Chapter 54 - Not So Different

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She feels as though she waits for hours. It's dark backstage and strangely hushed. Every once in awhile she peers out from the wings. The auditorium fills more and more with every minute.

Camille begins pacing.

"Camille, dear," a familiar voice says. "You don't need to be so nervous." Arthur approaches and lays his hands on her shoulders, stopping her in her tracks. An encouraging smile crosses his face, but Camille has difficulty returning it.

She's barely seen him since they'd arrived at the abandoned school. He's either been off speaking with all the other Epomis members crowding him, asking him endless questions, or making numerous, tedious phone calls. All the while, Camille has been on her own doing nothing but waiting. And thinking. She thinks so many times that she's made a mistake, but the hum of the growing crowd reminds her that it's far too late to turn back now. She has to finish what she started.

"I just don't know what to expect," she admits. It's as close to the truth as she can get with Arthur. "I don't know what I'll say or do."

He gathers her hands in his own and gives her a reassuring look that makes Camille feel like he's the man she joined Epomis for again, like he's the man who'd given her a home and a purpose. A pang of guilt wracks through her, but she refuses to let it show.

"Just tell them your story," Arthur explains simply. "Tell them what they need to hear. It will come to you, I promise. You're a natural leader, Camille. After your escape from the Facility, they already know and love you. You've already given them hope. This will only cement that hope further. This will give them something to truly believe in. Make them believe in you like I believe in you." He squeezes her hands. "You really are one of the most remarkable people I've ever met."

Camille hopes the smile she gives him doesn't look as pained or forced as it feels.

"Thank you, Arthur," is all that she can manage. Thankfully, it seems to be enough.

"Of course," he tells her. "And don't worry. You won't be waiting for much longer. I want as many members at this meeting as possible, but it is last minute. We can't wait forever. It's too risky to keep Lux out in the open like this. He needs to be secured sooner rather than later."

Camille nods, though she has no idea where Felix is at the moment. She hasn't seen him since he'd been led from her house.

"Just be ready when it is time," Arthur reminds her. "I'lll be back soon." And then, once more, Camille is alone.

It takes another half hour before they're ready to start the meeting. At that point, Camille is ready to simply get everything over with.

"Let me introduce you first," Arthur murmurs in her ear. "And then you can come and tell your story."

She's not even sure he notices her nod of acknowledgment before he's rushing off to stand on stage. A hush falls over the crowd as soon as he comes into view. By the time Arthur reaches center stage, highlighted against the closed curtains, the room is dead silent.

"My friends," he starts, spreading his hands wide. His voice projects over the whole room, clear to even the furthest spectators. "I'm sorry to call you all here today in such a hurry. I'm sure you're wondering what I have to share that's so urgent. I assure you it is worth the rush."

He pauses to let the words sink in before continuing. "However, today's news is not my news to share. That honor is left to someone else. Someone I know that by now you're very familiar with. She's the only prey to ever leave the Facility alive. She's our very own Camille Marotta."

Arthur's arms sweep towards the wings where Camille stands, shrouded in darkness. She takes a deep breath then steps into the light.

She's greeted by applause, even some cheers. The attention causes her to straighten her back and square her shoulders. She flashes a wide smile and gives a wave. The past week and a half she had been so suffocated with fear and uncertainty over finding Benji and Lux, that she had nearly forgotten. She'd forgotten just how recognized she'd become in the community.

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