Chapter 67 - The Right Thing

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The silence in Oscar's living room is deafening.

Camille and Amber sit facing each other, though neither of them move or speak. Camille strains her ears, hoping to catch a word or two of Benji's conversation with Oscar outside, but of course, she hears nothing. If Amber weren't there, she might even try listening at the door, though she isn't sure how she'd make it back to the living room in time if Oscar or Benji were to decide to head inside.

Camille perks up when she hears the back door open once more. A moment later, Oscar leads the way back into the living room, followed by a very pale-faced Benji.

"Everything all right?" Amber asks when neither of them says a word.

Benji returns to his seat next to Camille but refuses to make eye contact.

"Everything is more than all right," Oscar says as he returns to his own spot. "I think we should move the discussion forward now, talk about how we're going to break all this to the rest of Epomis."

There's only a beat of awkward silence before Amber jumps in with a, "I think that's a great idea!" Then things carry on from there.

Camille feels her focus fade in and out over the next two or so hours as they, with only a brief pause for lunch, go over everything that needs review. Oscar and Amber help her brief Benji on how they're planning to announce McMullen's demise.

"It's only been two full days, but people are already starting to ask questions," Oscar informs them all. "For a lot of prey, he's the reason they joined. We'll have to handle this delicately."

Oscar then drills Camille on how she's going to present herself as new leader for the first time. They had spent a large chunk of time yesterday figuring out her approach in private. She had been distracted then, thinking she'd just lost Benji for good. This time Benji is right by her side, but the paleness of his cheeks and the quiet of his voice distracts her all the same.

It doesn't help that Amber is there as an audience now either. Camille can feel her eyes on her, taking in every one of her stutters and stumbles.

"We do have a bit of an unforeseen circumstance," Oscar adds amidst everything. He nods in Benji's direction. "How do you want to handle the addition of your brother to this team? At least, I'm assuming you want him here in the future."

Camille nods without hesitation. "I want him by my side. Always."

Oscar inclines his head, looking unsurprised. "Then I think we'll have to work out a delicate way to do that. I'm sure it will take some time for members of this organization to fully trust him after everything."

The way Oscar says his last words sends a chill down Camille's spine, though she does a good job at hiding it.

"I'm happy to stay out of the spotlight," Benji offers. "Especially towards the beginning. I don't... need to be a 'face' for Epomis or anything."

"I think that would be a good idea," Amber adds.

Everyone's eyes turn to Camille for confirmation.

"Yes," she answers, feeling breathless. "For now. But in the future, I want him comfortable amongst everyone."

"Of course," Oscar tells her.

The discussion moves forward to less personal matters. Oscar and Amber debrief Camille (once more) on the structure of Epomis as a whole. They go over how they're going to break the news of McMullen to the rest of Epomis across the nation, and then they re-explain how each faction across the board is run and who are their individual leaders.

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