Chapter 36 - Sanctuary

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Benji hates being part of the private Epomis meetings, but he hates even more when they take place at Camille's house. Of course, he understands why they need to switch locations with each meeting. It's too much a risk if they meet in the same spot every time. It's too predictable. But even so, it feels like an invasion.

Camille's home is so irrevocably Camille. It's an extension of her. It feels safe here. But then McMullen steps inside, trailed by Oscar and Amber, and suddenly the atmosphere is tight with secrecy and righteous fury.

Benji sits, wedged between Camille and Oscar at the kitchen table. The air is thick. Benji can barely move his elbows without fear of jabbing someone. Camille's house is not meant to accommodate this many people at once. In front of Benji sits an empty mug of tea. He had made a cup for everyone when they'd first arrived, but so far he'd been the only one who'd finished. There'd been too much discussing and arguing for anyone to remember to sip tea, and consequently each cup is cold and abandoned.

Benji, on the other hand, has had plenty of time to drink as he sits quietly, trying not to think too hard about the plan McMullen is currently laying out. It involves passing off members of Epomis as contracted prey in order to assassinate one of the co-owners of a private contracting company. The people that Oscar is recommending for the mission are prey that Epomis has already helped to escape and hide from a public contract. Benji can't imagine escaping such a fate only to be asked to be consumed anyway, even if they'll be able to escape in the end.

For awhile, Benji had thought that learning McMullen's story would make him more sympathetic towards the old man, but in truth it just makes him fear him more. Benji tries to picture McMullen as a family man with a wife and daughter, content to hold a  job and stay out of politics. He tries to picture him being friends with a pred, but the harder Benji attempts to imagine it, the more impossible it seems. And that's what scares him so much. McMullen has changed, and he's changed a lot. If he can do it once, he can do it again. The only times Benji is able to imagine him as a loving father are the times he speaks to Camille, so gentle and caring. Benji likes to think that's what he'd been like with Lissa.

Oscar is in the middle of explaining who he believes is the most qualified of his survivalist students to take on the mission when a sharp knock on the front door quiets everyone. They all exchange glances, each looking to the other for guidance, clearly at a loss for who could be visiting so late. Benji hops out of his seat before anyone else can make a decision.

"I'll get it!" he announces, glad for an excuse to escape. He heads for the hallway. "No need to wait for me to get back! Please, carry on the meeting!" He ducks out of the kitchen without looking back.

Once he's out of sight, he pauses in the hallway to listen. A few more seconds of silence pass and then he hears the meeting begin again at full volume. Benji lets out a sigh. Even just a minute or two break from the meeting is a huge relief.

Feeling suddenly lighter, he walks the rest of the hallway and pulls open the front door.


He nearly slams it shut again.

He stops himself when the door is only an inch or two from the frame, just enough space to peer out at the towering figure on the doorstep.

"Felix! What the fuck are you doing here?" he hisses. Benji's heart races and his fingers dig into the doorknob. He is suddenly keenly aware of the weight of McMullen's knife in his pocket. Words in McMullen's voice echo in his head, recounting the tale of his daughter's death. Benji has a sinking feeling that Felix has come to close their contract, and all he can think of is that it can't happen here, it can't happen now. Not with McMullen just inside. Not with Camille just around the corner.

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