Chapter 14

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Charlie P.O.V

When Mikey and I finally got back from the shop we dumped the bags in the kitchen and went into the living room. As soon as we opened the door we were greeted by a squealing Betsy. I've never seen her so excited. She was jumping around the living room whilst clapping and making a very, very high pitched noise. Mikey and I looked at each other and then started laughing. Both of the girls looked at us. Parisa was smiling, but it was clear that she'd been crying, and Betsy run up to us and pull both Mikey and I into a hug. This made Parisa laugh. Once Betsy finally let us go, Mikey and I sat either side of Parisa on the sofa as BB continued to squeal and clap and jump.

"What got her so excited?" Mikey said with a chuckle.

"Um..." P said, her smile fading. As P's smile faded so did Mikey's.

"P what's wrong?" he questioned.

"Mikey, I'm..." she began quietly, "I'm pregnant." when Parisa said this Mikey and I looked at each other and then the biggest smile ever appeared on both our faces.

"That's amazing!" he said excitedly, "Why don't you seem happy?" he asked P.

"I need to talk to you about something." she said sadly, "Alone." I took this as my que to leave so I picked up a squealing Betsy and left them to it. I carried Betsy upstairs to our room and gently threw her onto the bed. After about 10 minutes she finally calmed down.

"Isn't it amazing." she said with a beaming smile on her face, she was adorable.

"Yeah, of course it is." I replied, "Why do you think P wanted to talk to Mikey alone?" I asked. When I said this she looked away from me and tried to change the subject but I wasn't going to let her, "Betsy? Whats's going on?"

"Charlie, I... I can't really say..." she said.

"Yes you can," I said as I knelt down infront of her, "tell me." she let out a sigh and then she told me everything that her and Parisa had talked about.

"So, she thinks Mikey's cheating?" I asked quietly.

"Yes..." she replied, "But you cannot say anthing until they decide to tell us... If they decide to."

"Okay." I said, giving her a nod. We both stood up and BB engulfed me in a massive hug. When she pulled apart I asked, "What was that for?" with my arms still around her tiny little waist.

She smiled, "I just felt like it." I laughed.

"I can't belive that we're getting married." I said, "It's crazy."

"I know," she smiled, "but I'm glad we are. I love you so so much, Charlie." she said, giving me a quick kiss.

"I love you too, Betsy Blue." I said, picking her up and twirling her around.


A/N the next chapter is going to be the Marisa conversation and then the chapter after that will be to do with the album.

But I desperately NEED your advice. Do I:

1 - write about all the planning for Betsy & Charlie's wedding; so some of the chapters would be both album and wedding planning / free time and wedding planning / just wedding planning


2 - not include the planning and just randomly put the wedding in somewhere


Thanks xo

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