Chapter 26

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Betsy P.O.V

It's been a week since I broke up with Charlie. Parisa thinks that I'm overreacting a little by not tallking to him but I think she's wrong. He suggested that I killed our unborn babies, or gave them up, like they're some sort cheap clothing. I'm not doing it. No. These are my children and I'm going to love them unconditionally. If Charlie wants to love them then he can, but me and him are over.

I haven't really spoken to anyone over this last week. I've been in my room comfort eating, designing things and binge watching Netflix. I've distanced myself for everyone and I feel bad about it. When we work on the album I stay quiet, only talking when I needed to. I was thinking about everything when all of a sudden there was a knock at my door.

"Bets, it's Mikey. Can II come in?" he said softly.

"Yeah.." I replied. He opened the door and came in. He gave me a comforting smile which I returned.

"How you doing?" he asked as he came and sat on the bed next to me.

"I've been better," I replied honestly, "but it's my. I ended things."

"True..." he mumbled, "What even happened?"

"Hasn't Charlie told you? Or Parisa?" I asked a bit confused.

He shook his head, "Charlie hasn't spoken much really, and Parisa thinks that we should just leave you two to sort it out alone." I sighed and I explained everything that was said and that happened. He honestly looked upset and a little confused.

"But you two love each other." he finally blurted out.

"I know... But he shouldn't have said all that stuff."

"I suppose..." he said, then he put his arm around me, "But Bets, you two were gonna get married. Are you really gonna throw that all away after one argument? It could ruin everything.."

"Neither of us would let our love life ruin the band, Mikey." I said, a little sterner than I expected.

"I know." he soothed, "All I'm saying is that I think you should sort it out, you don't nessicarily have to get back together. You just have to talk." he stood up, kissed my head and then left. Geez, he can actually be really helpful sometimes. I have a lot to think about...


The day passed by quickly. I went downstairs to get food and  water occasionally and had a few phone calls with my friends from home. But I slept for most of the day, meaning I couldn't sleep at all in the night.

It was 3am and after a few failed attempts at getting asleep I decided to go downstairs and watch a film. I put Frozen on, purely because it was the first DVD I saw. I curled up of the sofa in a blanket and sang along to the songs. I was about half way through the film when the door opened and a sleepy Charlie walked in.

"Oh... Sorry." he said whilst yawning. I wasn't going to say anything but then I thought of what Mikey said earlier.

"No.." I said as he was about to walk out again, "Stay." I said, smiling a little. He paused for a moment before turning and sitting by my feet. We watched the rest of the film in silence. At one point he put his arm/hand on my legs, but he quickly moved it when he realised. I felt sad actually. I'm still a bit angry at him and it's only been a short amount of time, but I'd forgotten how cute his laugh was and how much I liked it when he sang along to the Frozen songs.

Maybe I really do need to think about what really is important.

Charlie and my happiness or waiting for him to apologise?...



Sorry I didn't update yesterday like I promised, I was v v busy-.-

I may not be able to update till Monday so I'll try to update again later.

Check out my Metsy fanfic:)

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Love you,


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