Chapter 46: Hospital

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Charlie P.O.V

It's been a week since Betsy went into hospital. Now we have a beautiful baby girl, however she's on the Special Care Unit. She was born 6 weeks early so she's in an incubator. I spend a couple of hours with her. Just watching over her. Then I go to Betsy and spend the rest of the day with her. Bets tries to go up as often as she can but she's in pain so it's hard. She's been really uncomfortable since the C-section. She has a lot of stitches across her stomach and the cut is only just starting to heal up, so it's painful.

"How is she?" Betsy asked as I walked into her room.

"She's okay," I smiled, "she's tiny though."

"I just wanna hold my baby girl, Charlie." she said as she began to sob.

I sat beside her and wrapped my arms around her, "I know you do babe, but at least we have her." Betsy didn't say anything she just nodded while she continued to cry. I hate seeing her this upset, it breaks my heart. Normally I can do something but this time I can't. I'm powerless. We can't hold our little girl until she's healthy enough to come out of the incubator.

I sat with Betsy for a few hours until she needed sleep and I had to go home, so I gave her a kiss and left her. I hated having to leave her but the doctors wouldn't let me stay. I wanted to cry. I got home and flopped on the sofa. Soon after Mikey and Parisa walked in.

"Hey Chuggs, how are they?" Parisa asked as she sat beside me.

"They're okay." I sighed.

"Are you okay?" Mikey asked. I was about to say something but instead I broke down. The tears that I had been holding in for the last week escaped. I couldn't help it. The love of my life and my daughter were both in hospital and I was stuck at home. Unable to help them or hold them. Parisa quickly pulled me into a hug and Mikey patted my back.

Mikey P.O.V

Charlie was a wreck. Parisa was hugging him and I was trying to reassure him that everything was going to be okay. I can tell that this is effecting Parisa too. It's effecting us all but whenever Charlie cries P hates it. He's like her little brother and she will do anything for him.

"Charlie, I promise that soon enough Betsy will be brightening up the house again and you will have your little angel in your arms." I soothed.

He wiped his cheeks and gave P and I as small smile, "Thank guys, I love you both."

"We love you too." both of us replied in unison.

"Oh, we forgot to ask," Parisa began, "what's her name?"

"Well, we decided to call her Rebecca Amelia George."

"That's a beautiful name." Parisa smiled as she wiped away a tear.

"For no doubt a beautiful baby." I smirked.

Charlie smiled, "Thanks. It was mainly Betsy's idea. She said she's always liked Rebecca because she can shorten it to Becca." he chuckled and so did P and I.

We talked for a bit, ate pasta, watched a film, fed Lily and then we all went to bed. Parisa and I were excited because tomorrow we get to go see Betsy for the first time in a week and we get to meet Rebecca. They wouldn't let us in to see them because of an infection risk. But now that it's been a week we finally get to go in.

We're so excited.


Hello darlings!

Sorry for the slightly depressing chapter.

I'll be updating again in a few days:)


Love you,



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