Chapter 37: Big Day

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If not can you tell me bc i'll end it after this chapter if you don't like it,


Parisa P.O.V

Today's the big day: Mikey and I are finally getting married! Betsy and I are getting ready, she picked a turquoise dress and a diamante slide for her pinned up hair.

"Bets, you look incredible." I smiled.

"Thank you." she blushed, "You look flawless P!" she said as she fixed my veil in place and dressed Lily. She decided, of course, to dress my daughter in a little blue tutu and a sparkly top. It was adorable. Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Mikey, if that's you then go away!" I yelled, "You know it's bad luck!"

"Chill, it's just me." Charlie chuckled.

"Oh, okay. Come in." I smirked. The door opened and he stepped in, closing the door behind him. His mouth literally hung open.

"Shut your mouth." I chuckled, "You'll catch flies."

"Sorry it's both look so," he paused, trying to think of a word, "perfect."

"Aw, thanks Chuggs." Betsy and I said in unison.

"Anyway, what do you want?" I asked.

"Zahra's asking for Lily." he nodded towards Betsy who was cooing over her.

"Why didn't she come and get her herself?" I questioned.

"She's sorting Mikey out and the rest of the bridesmaids." Charlie said as he took Lily from Betsy and gave her a kiss. He gave me a hug and then left again.

"Ready?" Betsy asked as she handed me my flowers.

"Yeah," I nodded, "how are you feeling?"

"It's your wedding day, I'm fine!"

"No, I meant how are your ribs?" I chuckled.

"Oh, right." she laughed, "They're okay, the doctor gave me loads of tablets to ease the pain." I nodded, gave her a quick hug and then we headed off to the church.

Mikey P.O.V

I was stood at the alter, Charlie stood next to me. Eagerly waiting for Parisa to arrive. The music started playing and in came the flower girls and bridesmaids, they were Parisa's little cousins and Zahra. Then Betsy came next. I could see Charlie's face light up when he saw her. He really loves her. Then the music began to get louder and there she was. She wore a tight, sparkly, floor length, pearl dress that had a train behind it. Her veil went down her back and she had heels on. Her hair was pinned up. Her dad walked her down the aisle and finally she reached me. We both had smirks plastered across our faces.

"You look beautiful." I whispered.

"You don't look to bad yourself." she winked cheekily. God I love this girl.


As we walked out of the church everyone threw confetti. We noticed a few fans too and paparazzi so we had photos with the Youngsters. The photographer took photos of everyone and we had a band photo. This day has been perfect so far.

"I love you, Parisa Tarjomani-Bromley." I smirked.

"I love you too, Mikey Tarjomani-Bromley." she said as she kissed me and everyone said aw.

We left the church and went to the venue.

We had a big meal with everyone and then it was time for the speeches.

Oh God...

Charlie P.O.V

It was nearly my turn to do my speech and I was so nervous. Betsy and I had planned something special. Mikey's brother was nearly done with his speech so I was next. I was preparing and then everything went quiet. Obviously it was my turn. I stood up and took the microphone.

"Um...H..Hi everyone," I said nervously, "in case you hadn't already noticed I'm not good at public speaking, weirdly, so I'm not going to make a speech." I saw Mikey and P look at me confused, and I smirked, "Instead, I will be singing to them, with a little help." I said as I smirked at the beautiful Betsy Blue. We went to the stage together. I sat on a stool and picked up my guitar and Betsy sat beside me. I started playing Thinking Out Loud. We chose this because it was their favourite and Betsy and I had discovered that it worked quite well as a duet.

We sang together and I couldn't stop smiling the whole time. When we finished everyone was on their feet and Parisa was crying. I think Mikey was too actually. They both rushed to the stage and we had a group hug.

Then out of nowhere Mikey shouted, "Partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" and jumped off the stage and started dancing. He's a fool!

Betsy P.O.V

The night went by fast with dancing and singing and drinking and fun. It was amazing. Parisa and I were having our Petsy dance at the moment and it was so funny. We looked at the boys and they were also having their Marlie dance. It was cute to watch them.

When the song finished I left P and went to sit down. I was talking to Mikey's parents and then all of a sudden I was picked up and carried into the middle of the dance floor. I was put down and faced with a very handsome Charlie George.

"Hello Mr George." I smirked.

"Miss English." he replied as he put his arms around my waist and pulled me close, "Are you enjoying yourself?" he asked as we swayed to the music.

"I am." I replied, "Are you?"

"I am." he said as he kissed me.

"Where are P and Mikey?" I asked as I scanned the room, we needed our band dance.

"Well P's there," he said as he pointed to her dancing with Zahra, "but I don't know wh.... Oh God." he said as he began to laugh.

"What?" I asked as I followed his gaze and then realised why he was laughing, "Oh, he's so weird!" I laughed as I saw Mikey slow dancing with my mum! He must've noticed us laughing because he smirked back. Creepy.

It was coming to the end of the night and almost everyone who wasn't Parisa or Mikey's family had left. We decided that now was the perfect time to have our band dance. The DJ played "I Do" so we started singing and dancing like idiots.

When the song finished we did Hey You and then decided that we should all go to bed. The hotel the reception was in was really posh and big so we got lost going to our rooms but eventually we found them! We said goodnight as P and Mikey went to the honeymoon suite and Charlie and I went into our room. I kicked off my shoes and was about to go in the bathroom when Charlie pulled me back onto the bed.

I laughed, "Chuggs!"

"Sorry." he smirked and began to kiss me. I kissed him back and it began to turn into a full on make out session.

"Do you wanna....?" he asked. I knew what he meant so I nodded, "Are you sure your ribs aren't hurting too much?" he questioned.

"I'm sure." I said as I tugged on his shirt and turned off the lamp.





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