Chapter 28

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Charlie P.O.V

I was startled awake when someone started shaking my shoulder. I groaned and then remembered that I was sat in a hospital. I shot up and ran into the room that Betsy was in. She was still asleep so I sat next to the bed and held her hand.

Time ticked by slowly, doctors came in and out of the room, Betsy carried on sleeping. Parisa and Mikey turned up at about 8:30am but the doctors said only one person could stay in the room with Betsy, so they obviously let me stay. At about 9am BB finally woke up.

"Morning." I said as she stirred in the bed.

"Morning." she smiled, and then she remembered where she was, "Charlie, what's going on? Are the babies okay?" she asked, panic clear in her voice.

"I don't know Bets, I'm sorry." I frowned. I could see the tears begin to form in her eyes so I gently hugged her. She sat up and wrapped her arms around me, gently sobbing into my chest.

She stopped crying and apologised but I just shook my head and told her it was okay.

We sat in silence for a while and then a doctor finally came in.

"Okay Miss English," he began, "we have the results back from the tests we did last night."

"And?" she asked, sitting up. I took her hand again and she gently squeezed it.

"Well it seems that your body has been registering a lot of stress recently," he sighed and then frowned, "and I'm sorry to tell you but unfortunatally you've suffered a miscarriage..."

Neither of us said anything. I was in shock. Betsy broke down. I could hear her shouting at the doctor, as if it was his fault. Tears slipped down my cheeks. How could this happen? Is it my fault? I'm the only person who's been stressing her out...

All these thoughts ran through my head and for a few minutes I'd completely forgotten about my surroundings. It was like everything had frozen. But then I remembered and I sat behind Betsy and pulled her into my chest. She cried for ages. I've never seen her this upset, it broke my heart. The more she cried the more I did too.

"Charlie?" I heard a voice ask.

"You guys can come in." I said, I could hear my voice cracking.

Parisa and Mikey came rushing in. Both of them sat on the bed and wrapped their arms around Betsy and I. I didn't have to explain what was going on, they knew. After a few minutes Mikey was the only one not crying, although he looked just as upset as the rest of us.

"I need to go outside for a few minutes." I finally chocked out.

"I'll come with you." Mikey said. I nodded. Mikey stood up and so did Parisa.

I kissed Betsy's head, "I'll be back in a bit." I whispered to her, "I'm sorry, this is all my fault." I could feel more tears slipping down my cheeks. I let go of her and rushed out of the room.

I ran outside, Mikey close behind. I leant against the wall and slid down it. I put my head in my hands. Mikey sat beside me, he didn't say anything.

Mikey P.O.V

"It's all my fault." I heard Charlie whisper.

"No, Charlie, this isn't your fault. No ones to blame." I said.

"The doctor said it's because she was too stressed out! I've been stressing her out for weeks!" he yelled.

"Charlie you can't blame yourself." I sighed sympathetically, "This is just a horrible thing that's happened and unfortunately you can't change it."

He wiped his cheeks, "What if she blames me?" he said as he looked at me.

"She won't, she loves you and she knows that things like this unfortunately happen."

"When did you become so good at advice?" he chuckled lightly.

"It's because I'm getting old." I replied as I nudged him.

"Mate, you're only 20." he chuckled again. I chuckled with him.

We stood up and he hugged me, "Thanks Mike." he said.

"It's okay, anything for you two."

"We both appreciate it." he smiled.

"Good." I smirked, "But we need to go back in because right now, Betsy needs us, especially you." he nodded and we walked back in.

We slowly walked back into the room to see Parisa led on the bed with Betsy curled into her. It made me smile. I love how P looks after her and Charlie like the younger siblings she never had.

"Do you want to switch places?" Parisa asked Charlie as he sat in the chair in the corner.

"No, it's okay." he nodded, "You're probably better for her than I am." he smiled weakly. I went and sat with him and put my arm around his shoulders.

"Charlie, come sit with me. Please." Betsy said quietly, "I don't blame you." she said as she looked over and smiled weakly at us. He didn't move for a few minutes but then he slowly got up and switched places with P. As he got on the bed he wrapped his arms around Betsy as she cuddled closely into him. Parisa and I smiled.

They both sat in silence and eventually they fell asleep, even though it was only lunch time.

"How is she?" I whispered to P.

"She's okay-ish..." she replied, "She's confused and upset but she said she wants us to stay."

I nodded, "She's strong."

"Yeah... How's Chuggs?" she asked.

"He thinks it's his fault."

"Why?" she asked.

"Because stress is the reason this happened and he thinks he's the reason she's stressed out." I sighed.

"But he's not." she said as she looked over at them.

"I know, and I think he knows that too now."

"Hopefully." she replied as she rested her head on my shoulder.



Sorry if this chapter upset anyone....

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Love you,


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