Chapter 35: Surgery

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Betsy P.O.V

I was in shock. I couldn't believe what the doctor had just told me.

"Bets, everything's going to be okay." Charlie soothed as I cried into his shoulder.

"No!" I sobbed, "I have a splinter in my lung, Chuggs! I have to have surgery!" The doctor had explained that when my ribs broke a bit of rib had been lodged into my lung and that's why it was all hurting much more than it should be.

"Listen to me." Charlie said as he cupped my face in his hands, "These are all experts and they know what they're doing. You're in safe hands babe. And once the surgery's over I'm going to be waiting in this very spot and I will not leave you until you can go home. Okay?"

"Okay." I nodded as he kissed my head. Truth is, it's not the risk of this splinter that's freaking me out. It's the surgery. I'm petrified of needles and I know it's crazy but they have to sedate me with one and I'm scared. I haven't told anyone though. They'll think I'm a wimp.

"I love you." I said as they prepped me for 'immediate' surgery.

"I love you too." Charlie replied as he gave me a long passionate kiss until the doctor moved him away and wheeled me down the long, eerie corridor...


Charlie P.O.V

I waited and waited and waited for what seemed like forever. The doctor finally came out of the operating room and approached Parisa, Mikey and I.

"Good news," he said, "your friends operation went very well. We'll be bringing her out of theatre shortly and then you will be allowed in to see her."

"Will she be awake?" Parisa asked hopeful.

"She will but she might seem a little out of it for a few hours."

The three of us couldn't wipe the smiles off our faces. Our BB was okay.

We waited another 10 minutes and then we saw them push Betsy's bed back into her cubicle. We all rushed over.

"You're okay!" I smirked as I gave her a gentle but loving hug.

"I am indeed." she grinned.

"We've been so worried about you missy." Parisa chuckled.

"Well I'm fine thanks to all the doctors and nurses and bunnies..." she began to trail off.

"Did you just say that bunnies helped you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and holding back my laughter.

"Yes." she looked at my slightly confused, "Why?"

P, Mikey and I all looked at each other and burst out laughing. The doctor was wrong, she isn't slightly out of it, she's very out of it.

Mikey P.O.V

Betsy has had us in hysterics for hours. She keeps mentioning the bunnies. It's hilarious! Every now and again I've caught a glimpse of Charlie smiling like an idiot out of the corner of my eye. He's super duper happy that BB's okay, we all are!

"I'm gonna go get some drinks." Parisa announces, "Anyone want anything?" The other two put their orders in but I decided that I'm going to go with P.

We were walking to the cafeteria in silence but then I pulled her back into and empty room.

"Mikey, why did you do that?" she asks confused.

"Because I want to talk with you. Privately." I state. I see worry flash in her eyes and the I realised what that must've sounded like, "No, not in a bad way! In a good way."

"Oh, thank god." she says and I see her relax.

"I've realised that amongst Lily being born and Betsy being here that we've completely forgotten that we're engaged."

She chuckles, "I didn't completely forget. But I know what you mean."

"Let's get married!" I blurt out.

"Mike, we are getting married." she says confused.

"No, I mean like, let's get married next week." I smirk. At first P looks shocked but then a huge smile sweeps across her face and she runs over to me. She jumps and wraps her legs around me and kisses me.

"So you like that idea?" I chuckle.

"I do." she smirks.

Smooth P, smooooooth.


Hello darlings!

So Marisa's getting married and BB's okay:D

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