Chapter 16

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Betsy P.O.V

Today was the day. The day we started our album. I was awoken, very early, by an excited Charlie.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" he yelled while jumping on my bed. I laughed and sat up.

"I'm awake." I said rubbing my eyes. He smiled and kissed me, "Have you woken Parisa?"

"No, I was gonna let you do that." he said, whilst standing up, "I was gonna ring Mikey, see if he's going to meet us here or there."

"Okay." I replied. As soon as he left I got up, slid on my joggers and went into P's room. Only to discover that she wasn't in bed. Odd... And then I heard a weird sound froom the bathroom, so I went to investigate.

"P?" I asked as I knocked the door. It wasn't locked so I slowly opened it to see her bent over the toilet throwing up. I didn't say anything, I just went over and held her hair. After a few minutes she finally stopped.

"Thank you." she said weakly as she stood up and washed her face and teeth.

"No problem." I replied, "Are you okay now?"

"Yeah, it's just morning sickness."

"How far along are you?"

"Two months maybe" she said smiling. I smiled too. I was soo excited for her and Mikey.

"Have you spoken to Mikey?" I asked. She shook her her and looked down. "Oh... Well I'm sure you two'll work it out."

"Yeah... Hopefully." she replied, "Come on my scandalous ducking g, we have to get ready." she said grinning as she dragged me out of the bathroom and into our shared walk in wardrobe. It wasn't really a walk in wardrobe but we had a spare room so I got my dad to add shelves and rails so that it became one. It was cool. We got changed, did our hair and make-up and then went downstairs. Charlie was already ready.

Charlie P.O.V

When the girls finally got downstairs I had only just got off the phone with Mikey.

"He's on his way." I said as Betsy sat down beside me. She nodded. After about 5 minutes Mikey finally arrived.

"Hey guys..." he said sheepishly as he walked into the room. Betsy went up and hugged him and Parisa smiled.

"Hey bro." I said, I know it sounds stupid but when Betsy hugged him I felt a little jealous. It's crazy because I know he loves P and BB loves me but they hugged very tightly and then Mikey kissed the top of her head. No, Charlie, shut up they wouldn't do anything to hurt you or P. Plus they're like brother and sister. I dismissed these thoughts and jumped up.

"Lets go." I said, quickly rushing towards the door and grabbing Betsy's hand as I went. We got out to the car and Betsy and I sat in the back back and the other two sat in the back. Betsy gave me weird look.

"What?" I asked.

"Why did you grab my hand like that?"

"Like what?" I asked again.

"It was really tight, it hurt a bit..." she said.

"Sorry, Bets." I said quietly, "I'm just excited." I lied. She nodded but she had a look on her face that told me she didn't believe me. We didn't talk much for the rest of the journey. When we finally reached the studio Mikey and P got out and then Betsy got out and walked inside without waiting for me, looking at me or talking to me. I walked in after them all and then sat by Betsy when we were called in for the meeting thing. I wasn't really concentrating because it was boring. And then finally we were called in to start writing and recording. I know I should be excited, this day is going to change our lives. But I think I've messed things up with Betsy...


Hey Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey:)

Sorry for the crappy chapter and sorry thatit's probably confusing but I wanted to add a bit of drama;)

Anyways, vote and comment and follow me beautys!!

Love you,


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