Chapter 34

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Parisa P.O.V

It's been 24 hours since Betsy was brought in after the car accident. The doctors hadn't told us anything and we were allowed in to see her. Charlie was furious.

"I need to see her!" Charlie yelled at one of the nurses.

"I'm sorry Mr George but we can't let you in right now," the nurse replied, I could tell she was losing her patience with him, "as soon as we know anything we'll le you know. But for now I'm afraid you'll have to wait out her."

Mikey and I could see Charlie was about to hit the wall, literally, so Mikey went to talk to him. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying but whatever Mikey said to Charlie worked because he came and sat beside me.

"Chuggs, she'll be okay." I said as I put my arm around his shoulders.

"I just want to see her P." he replied, I could see the tears form in his eyes and I could hear his voice cracking. I pulled him into a hug and I felt the shudder of his body as he sobbed in my arms. I hated seeing him upset.

"I'll go get some coffee." Mikey said as he took Lily and went to the canteen.

As soon as Mikey left tears began to roll down my cheeks. What if BB wasn't okay? What if something happens to her? I wiped the tears off my face and off of Charlie's.

"I promise you everything is going to be okay." I said to him as I kissed his forehead.  Charlie was like my little brother and whenever he got upset I did too. I cannot stand knowing how upset he'd be if anything happened to Betsy.

Charlie P.O.V

I pulled myself together and thought positively. Mikey came back about 15 minutes later, with no baby in sight.

"Where the hell is my baby?" Parisa whisper yelled.

"Don't worry, I called Zahra and she came to pick her up." he explained as he sat down and gave us our coffee, "A hospital is no place for a baby." I could see P's body relax and it made me chuckle slightly.

We talked for a while, well, when I say we I mean the other two did and I pretended to listen, adding the occasional nod every now and again. They had just gotten onto the topic of the album when a doctor came over to us and I shot up.

"Are you here for Miss English?" he asked.

"Yes." I replied, "How is she?"

"She had 4 broken ribs on her right side, a broken wrist and mild head injuries and of course a few cuts and bruises." the doctor explained.

"Can we see her?"

"We only permit one visitor at a time I'm afraid." the doctor frowned. I looked at the other two.

"You go first, Chuggs." Mikey smiled, "We can see her later."

"Thanks guys." I yelled as I raced in.

Betsy P.O.V

I had just woken up and at first I couldn't quite register where I was until I heard the eerie beeping of machines and then it clicked; I was in a car accident. My body was aching all over but I didn't care, I just wanted to know if Charlie was okay.

A few minutes after the doctor had left the doors flew open and Charlie came running in.

"Betsy!" a smiled spread across his face.

"The one and only." I chuckled. It hurt a lot.

"I'm so glad you're okay." he said as he gently kissed me.

"I'm glad you are too." I said honestly, "Is Lily okay? And Dave?"

"Lily and I haven't even got a scratch, Dave has a few stitches at the top of his leg but you got most of the impact." I could tell he'd been crying. I could see his eyes start to well up so I moved over and told him to lay next to me.

"Babe, I'm okay." I said as I put my head on his chest, "Just a few scratches, that's all."

"I wouldn't call four broken ribs, a broken wrist and a head injury 'a few scratches." he said seriously, although I could tell he was crying.

"A minor head injury," I pointed out, "and anyway, it could've been far worse."

"Don't remind me." he said as he kissed the top of my head.

We led there for an hour, just talking. The doctor allowed P and Mikey in too so we all talked and laugh.

But our fun was short lived when the doctor came in with a very serious look on his face....


Hello darlings!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, more drama coming soon;)


Love you,



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