Chapter 20

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Charlie P.O.V

"Where is he?" I yelled as I stormed through the house.

"Charlie, stop!" Betsy was yelling behind me. I wasn't listening. I don't give a damn if they thought I was overreacting, he kissed my fiance. How could he do that to me! We're supposed to be best friends! I continued my search through the house with Betsy following me, begging me to calm down.

"Where the hell is he?" I mumbled, angrily, to myself as I climbed the stairs. I literally searched the whole house and couldn't find him. As I made my way back to the stairs Betsy quickly ran and stood at the top of them with her arms stretched out, trying to stop me.

"Bets, move." I said sternly.

"No," she said, tears streaming down her face, "not until you calm down and promise not to do anything to hurt him."

"I'm not promising anything." I said as I tried to move her arm. She wouldn't budge. Man this girl was stronger than I thought.

"Charlie..." she began.

"Don't defend him."

"I'm not," she said, "he shouldn't have kissed me, but it didn't mean anything to me, or him. I want you to know that."

"Then why did he do it!" I yelled. She flinched and I could tell that I'd upset her. She gave up and moved out of the way but she looked angry. I brushed past her and ran downstairs. I ran into the living room and that's when I heard a crack and a thud. I ran back out to see Betsy led at the bottom of the stairs. Blood coming from a cut on her head. Her leg  twisted. Her arm bent awkwardly.

"Betsy!" I said as I rushed to her side and called an ambulance. As I hung up the phone Parisa came running in.

"What happened?" she yelled, panic clear in her voice.

"I...I don't know." I replied, tears spilling down my cheeks, "She must've fallen." I held Betsy, smoothing her hair from her pale face as she lay still. Parisa and I were both crying. This was all my fault.

After what seemed like an eternity the paramedics finally arrived. Parisa and I went in the ambulance with her. I kept hold of her hand the whole time.

Parisa P.O.V

We finally reached the hospital and they rushed Betsy off somewhere. They made Charlie and I wait outside. He obviously wasn't happy about this. I pulled him into a hug.

"She's gonna be okay, Chuggs." I said, "She's strong." he didn't say anything he just kept crying into my shoulder. We stood there hugging for 10 minutes before he finally spoke.

"Can you call Mikey?" he asked weakly.

"Are you sure you want him here?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah, he needs to be here." that's what I love about Charlie, no matter what happenes he loves his friends and he's never let anything ruin a friendship. He's amazing. I nodded and went outside to call Mikey. When he finally answered I told him what happened and he said he's come. I also warned him that Charlie and I both know about the kiss. I went back to Charlie who was still a mess, but a mess that was sat down. I sat beside him and put my head on his shoulder. He smiled slightly.

"Mikey's on his way." I said.

"Good." he replied. He sounded relieved actually which I'm glad about. No matter what Mikey's done I still love him, and I love Charlie too. And Betsy of course.

Mikey arrived about 15 minutes later and we explained the whole situation and he got upset. We had a group hug and the boys had a little heart to heart. Now probably wasn't the time but they talked about the kiss and, after a little bit of yelling, they made up and agreed that we should all focus on BB.

Mikey P.O.V

After waiting for about two hours the doctor came out and told us that Betsy had a broken leg and a head injury. He didn't say how bad it was but he did say that we could go in and sit with her until she woke up. So that's what we did. We waited and waited but she hadn't woken and P was getting tired so I said I take her home. Charlie nodded and said that he'd call us when she woke up. P gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek and I gave him a hug too. I' m glad we're okay. We were just about to leave when we heard a weird noise and then rapid beeping. Then a load of doctors came rushing in and kicked us out....


Hey!! Two updates in one day, you lucky people;)

Hope you enjoyed!!


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