Chapter 24

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Mikey P.O.V

I have to get out of this house... Now!

Don't get me wrong I love Parisa, but boy she can moan. I know she's pregnant and her hormones are all over the place but she hasn't stopped ranting about how Betsy and Charlie aren't ready for all of this. Maybe she's right, but if they're happy then we should be happy for them. I decided to ask Charlie to come out with me seen as Betsy's asleep. He agreed.

We walked around the park for a bit and then we stopped and sat on one of the benches.

"How are you?" I asked him.

"I'm alright," he replied, "how about you?"

"I'm good, Parisa's driving me insane though." we both chuckled.

"It'll all be worth it though." he grinned.

"True." I smiled, "So, twins eh!"


"Are you happy about that?" I asked. He was silent for a few minutes and then he let out a huge sigh.

"To tell you the truth mate, I'm so nervous."

"I bet you are. But I'm sure it'll all be great." I said, trying to bring his spirit up.

"I'm sure it will but I'm just not sure that Betsy and I are 100% ready. And I think deep down she feels the same." he replied extremely fast.

"P thinks the same thing." I sighed, "But Charlie you and Bets love each other, I'm sure you'll adjust well. And you've always got Parisa and I to help you if you need us."

"Thanks." he smiled, "I think I should tell Betsy though."

"If you want. And maybe you'll know for sure that she feels the same."

We sat talking for about half an hour, with the occasional Youngster asking for autographs and photos which was cute, and then we decided to go home.

We must've been out for a while because by the time we got back the girls were almost finished watching the first Harry Potter film. I sat beside Parisa and put my arm around her as she snuggled in, while Charlie sat in front of Betsy as she played with his hair.

We sat watching the first three HP films for hours, only moving to get refreshments, and finally we stopped. Parisa and I decided to go to bed so we said goodnight and left the other two alone.

"P," I said as we got into bed, "Charlie's worried."

"About what?" she asked.

"He's worried that him and Betsy aren't ready."

"I thought he would be, I think she is too." she said as she cuddled into me.

"They should really talk about it." I said as I began to doze off.

"Yeah, night Mikey. I love you." Parisa said sleepily.

"I love you too."


Charlie P.O.V

Mikey and Parisa had gone to bed so Betsy and I were alone. This was the perfect moment. I shut the living room door and sat beside Betsy on the sofa. She smiled and cuddled into my chest.

"Bets, are you sure you're ready?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"For what?" she asked confused.

"All of this." I replied, "I mean we'rein the process of recording an album that's gonna start our career off, we're getting married and now we're having a baby... Well, two babies."

She pulled away from me and looked at me, "Don't you wanna get married and have children?"

"Of course I do, I proposed to you remember." I said, trying to lighten the mood, "But..."

"But what, Charlie?"  she sounded a little upset.

"But maybe we're a bit too young for children..." I said sheepishly.

"So what? You want me to kill our unborn children." a look of horror on her face.

"No! Of course not." I said.

"Then what?" she yelled.

"I don't know, maybe we need to think about giving them up..."

"My children will not be going into care, Charlie!" she said as she jumped up from the sofa.

I sighed, "I'm sorry..."

"No." she said, "I can't believe you would even think about that! I'm going to love these babies even if you're not." her words hurt, it was like someone had just punched me in the stomach. I stood up, anger filled me.

"How dare you say that!" I yelled, "Of course I'm going to love our children, I just think we're too young!"

"Or maybe you're the one that's too young!" she turned to leave the room. She paused and I honestly thought she was going to turn around and bitch slap me. But she didn't. Instead she just ran out of the room and up the stairs, slamming her bedroom. I walked towards the door but  I felt something jabb into my foot. I lifted my foot up to see what I'd stood on and that's when I realised what she'd done.

I bent down and picked up the diamond ring I'd given her on that cold night in New York.

The ring that I'd given to her as a promise, a promise that I'd always love her and be with her. And now it's back in my hands.

I couldn't help it, a tear slipped down my cheek.

And then another.

And another.

And then I was full on bawling as I looked at the engagment ring.

Had I just lost Betsy?



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