Chapter 41

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Shoutout to everyone who commented on my Help! chapter, you all gave similar ideas so I'll be using them all:)

{Time jump; One month}

Charlie P.O.V

The day is finally here. I can't believe it.

"Charlie, hurry up!" Mikey yelled through the door. 

"Okay, okay!" I yelled back while smirking and opening the door. Mikey was stood there grinning in his best man's outfit.

"Who knew, you actually scrub up well." he said with a cocky grin, I chuckled.

We left the hotel and went to the church. I was so nervous. I couldn't stop shaking. We arrived at the church and Mikey and I went straight to the alter. After about 10 minutes the wedding march started and in walked 2 of Betsy's cousins as bridesmaids, then the maid of honour, Parisa, came in and then in walked BB accompanied by her dad. She wore a tight dress that reached the floor with silver embellishment. She also wore heels. She looked amazing.

When she reached the altar we exchanged a smile and the ceremony began.

The priest spoke and then said, "Should anyone here present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Betsy and I looked around and everyone was smiling. The priest was about to continue but the a face I never expected to see again burst in.

"I object." Lauren yelled as she ran down the aisle. I could see Betsy looking at me with horror in her expression.

Oh no....


Hello darlings!

Hope you enjoyed this short, dramatic chapter;)

I should be updating either tomorrow, Sunday or again tonight. You'll just have to wait and see!

Anyways, vote/comment.

Love you,



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