Chapter 33: Lily Sophia Bromley

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Charlie P.O.V

Parisa and Mikey brought their beautiful baby girl home a few days ago and she is so precious. Granted, all she does is sleep but she's so cute. It makes me quite sad actually, it makes me think of what Betsy and I lost. Don't get me wrong we're happy for them and we help them out as much as we can but BB and I could've had what they had...

I was pulled out of my thoughts by crying. It was Lily. Parisa and Mikey were asleep so Betsy and I were looking after her in the living room. Bets picked her up and cradled her trying to stop her from crying, eventually she did and Betsy put her back down and then came and snuggled into me.

"Bets, doesn't any of this make you sad?" I asked her.

"What do you mean?" she questioned.

"You know, the baby being here and we never got the chance..."

She looked down when I said this, took a deep breath and then looked at me, "I'm dealing with it. It's not easy to remember what we lost but maybe one day we'll get another chance."

"Maybe.." I replied, smiling and kissing her head. She was so strong and I feel so blessed to have her in my life, as more than a band mate.

"Fancy going out?" I asked.

"But we have Lily." she said.

"Well then lets bring her." I suggested, "Obviously we'll ask P and Mikey first."  she didn't answer she just smirked cheekily and ran upstairs.

A few minutes later she came back down with her jacket on, my jacket in her hand and a onesie for Lily.

"They said yes I take it?" I chuckled. She nodded and put the baby in the car seat.

We went out to the car and as neither of us could drive Shouty Man was going to drive us to the park. I got in the front while Betsy and Lily sat in the back.

As we turned out of our street and onto the main road a car came speeding around the corner. There was a loud smash. The car stopped and everything went silent. I couldn't quite make out what was going on for a few minutes but then Lily started wailing. I tried to move but I had a shooting pain up my back.

"Betsy?" I asked. No reply, "Bets!?" no reply again. I slowly turned my head around to see Betsy's crumpled body led across the backseat. In a way we were lucky because the car hit the drivers side and Lily was sat behind me, but Betsy was unconscious...

I took a deep breath, pushed the door open and got out. Ignoring the pain. I got Lily out and some of the people who'd started crowding around took her. I gave the baby to a little family that seemed alright. I slowly moved around the car to see if I could get Betsy out but the car was blocking the door. (A/N Idk shouty mans name so for the purpose of this it's Dave..)

"Dave?" I yelled as I moved back towards the passenger side.

"Y...Yeah..I'm okay, I th..think." he mumbled, "The b...back took  most of th...the impact."

"Can you get out?" I asked. Just then he reached his arm out to me. My back hurt too much to try and pull him out so some of then men who were watching helped while I tried to get Betsy out.

"Come on Bets." I said as I shook her gently, "Wake up..." I was holding back tears. Just then I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned it was Mikey.

"We heard the commotion. " he soothed, "Let me get her out." I nodded as tears slipped down my cheeks. I moved back to P and Lily.

Mikey P.O.V

When Charlie moved back I started to help Betsy. Somehow she got tangled in her seatbelt and the strap of her bag. I gently tried to untangle her and luckily I did. I began to pull her out when I realised that her foot was stuck on something. I also realised that the car was starting to get hotter and hotter. If we didn't get out soon then she's be inside when the car blew.

"Guys, someone help me!" I yelled. Someone rushed over and pulled me out. I turned to push them away but then I realised it was the paramedics and fire crew. I rushed back to Parisa and Charlie. As soon as I reached then Charlie began to cry into me.

"She'll be alright mate. She's a fighter." I said as I put my arm around him and Parisa.

I really hope she's okay... For Charlie's sake.


Hello friends!!

Sorry it's been so long, I have exams starting this week so I've been revising AND my laptop broke:(

Hope you enjoyed!!

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