Chapter 19: Is Everything Okay?

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Betsy P.O.V

 I awoke the next morning with Charlie's warm body pressed against mine. I couldn't help but smile. I gently wiggled my way out of his warm arms and pulled on his top and some shorts. I gently kissed his cheek and snuck out. As I shut the door, I turned and walked straight into Parisa.

"Oh, sorry." I chuckled.

"It's okay." she smiled, "Hey, Bets, would you mind coming with me to the doctor today?"

"Sure." I smiled, "Have you got a scan?"

"Yeah," a huge smile stretched across her face, "I'm glad you'll come."

"I'm glad I'm coming too." I replied, but then a huge wave of guilt sweeped over me, "W..why haven't you asked M..Mikey?"

"Oh, um, he's been acting weird recently and I wanted my scandelous ducking g by my side." she grinned. I forced a smile and nodded.

"Well I better go get ready..." I walked off quickly and went to the shower.

As I showered all I could think of is how upset Parisa and Charlie would be if they found out that Mikey kissed me. I still don't really understand why he did it and I can't tell the other two until I understand. I kept thinking while I got dressed and  did my hair, etc. I wrote a quick note for Charlie and then went to meet P.

Parisa P.O.V

In the car on the way to the doctors Betsy and I talked about random things and important things but she seemed a bit off.

"Is everything okay, BB?" I asked as we waited in the waiting area.

"Yeah." she reeplied. I didn't believe her but the doctor called my name so I'd finish asking her later. We both stood up, I grab Betsy's hand and she squeezed it to reassure me. When we got in the room the doctor asked me all these questions and then he rubbed this cold gel on my stomach.

"Well everything looks good." the doctor said with a smiled, "And it looks like you're further along than you thought."

"Really?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Yes," he replied, "you thought you we're only three months, but you're actually nearly five months."

"Well that explains why none of my jeans fit anymore." I chuckled nervously. The doctor and Betsy laughed too.

"The good news is that I can tell you what gender the baby is, if you'd like." I nodded, very quickly, "It's a girl." A huge grin spread across my face and Betsy started jumping up and down, squealing and clapping her hands. The doctor laughed.

"Congratulations." the doctor said.

"Thanks doc." I smiled. I wiped the gel off my stomach, pulled my top down and we left.

The car ride home was silent but comfortable. Betsy and I were both so happy about the news. When we pulled up outside the house I turned straight to Betsy.

"Tell me, what's wrong?" I said a little harshly.

"P, it's nothing." she said, forcing a smile.

"You're not going in until you tell me." I said as I locked the doors. She crossed her arms and looked forward. Looks like she's not telling me anytime soon.

About 10 minutes later she let out a huge sigh and turned to me.

"Do you promise not to get mad at me..." she said, "Or him..."

"What?" I asked, worry creeping into my voice.

"Okay...." she then explained what had happened. About Mikey kissing her, the fact that they've both felt guilty ever since, and how she promised it meant nothing.

"Um..." was all I could manage for a few minutes, "I forgive you." I finally said.

"You do?" she asked. Disbelife in her voice.

"Yes." I said with a reassuring smile, "If you promise that it was one small, meaningless kiss and that nothing has happened since then I don't see any need to ruin friendships, relationships and OTY."

She smiled, "Thankyou P!" she said whilst hugging me.

"But..." I began, "You do have to tell Chuggs."

She sighed and looked down, "I know. Can you be with me when I tell him?" she asked.

"Of course." I smiled. I unlocked the doors, we both got out of the car, I took Betsy's hand and we walked inside.

We looked for Charlie and finally found him in the garden.

"Hey." he said smiling as he saw us. Betsy remaind silent with her eyes on the ground.

"Hey Chuggs." I said. He smiled at me then looked at Betsy who had finally looked up. There were tears in her eyes.

"Babe? Is everything okay?" Charlie said as he walked towards us. I felt Betsy's grasp on my hand tighten.

Betsy finally managed to choke out one small sentence, "Charlie, there's something I need to tell you..."


Hey guyssss:)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, aand don't worry, there's going to be a lot more drama to come!!

Love you,


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