Chapter 31: Madness!

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Charlie P.O.V

This house is currently in complete meltdown! Parisa is hormonal so she keeps yelling at us, mainly me, Betsy and I cannot control Buster, Mikey keeps trying to cook but fails miserably and ends up making a mess, and we're trying to finish the album but we can't find the time. Help!

The house is also a complete mess. We need a serious house meeting.

"Bets can you go down to the living room please?" I asked as I walked into her room.

"Okay, but why?" she asked, and then she look worried, "Parisa isn't gonna shout at me is she?"

"No." I chuckled, "I'm calling a house meeting."

"Oh, okay." she smiled and then went down. I went to find Mikey and told/asked him to do the same. Parisa was already in there so I didn't have to worry about asking her. I followed Mikey in and stood infront of them all.

"Okay, so incase you haven't noticed this house is full of madness." I stated.

"Well duh." Betsy replied.

"So I'm taking it upon myself to be the leader and assign everyone jobs for the day so that tomorrow we can focus on the album." the three of them were silent so I continued, "Mikey, firstly stop cooking and making a mess, but today you're on cleaning duty with me. Bets you're on Buster training duty and Parisa you're on dishes duty."

"Seriously?" Mikey asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, seriously, this house is crazy at the moment." I replied.

"I know, what I meant was you're seriously being the sensible one?" he asked again, this time trying to hold back a laugh.

"I can be serious when I want to be." I said in protest, crossing my arms. As I said that Betsy and Parisa started laughing, "What now?" I asked.

"N...nothing." Parisa said through giggles.

"You know we love you Chuggs, but it's weird seeing you be all 'grown up'." Betsy smirked as she kissed my cheeck. I chuckled too, they were right, normally I'm the most childish one.

Once the girls had stopped laughing we all got on with our jobs. Parisa went to the kitchen to start clearing up Mikey's mess, Mikey and I went upstairs to the games room and started cleaning, and Betsy went out into the garden with the dog.

Hopefully everything is going to go to plan....


Sorry for the short crappy chapter!!!

I will be updating as often as I can but I have a lot of exams and coursework to do so bear with me...

Thankyou for voting/commenting, until next time lovlies!


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