Chapter 39

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Charlie P.O.V

I woke up early to get Lily ready to facetime Mikey and Parisa. I took her downstairs, leaving Betsy in bed, and fed her and did all the other stuff you do to a baby in the morning. By the time I finished with her she looked like she could be a baby model, I did good, even if I do say so myself!

"Come on Lily," I cooed, "let's go make some breakfast." when I got into the kitchen I placed Lily in her swing thing and started making pancakes. I swear Betsy must have some sort of special power because as soon as I cracked the first egg she came rushing down the stairs.

"Pancakes?" she smirked, she looked like she's just been told she was going to Disney.

"Of course." I smirked back. She kissed my cheek and then went to Lily. She picked her up and started playing peek-a-boo with her. It was cute watching the two of them. Betsy's so good with children.

Soon after the pancakes were ready so I put sauce on them and Betsy and I ate them while playing with Lily. We went and sat in the living room and turned on the laptop and waited. I watched as Betsy played with a giggling Lily. Soon the facetime ringtone filled the room.

"Hey!" Mikey and P said smiling.

"Hey guys!" I smirked.

"Hello." Betsy waved as she made Lily wave too.

"Aww." Parisa smiled, "Charlie, did you dress her this morning?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You put her baby grown on back to front." Mikey laughed and I felt my cheeks go red.

"Oops." I chuckled.

Once the two of them had calmed down from laughing so much, Parisa spoke up, "We miss you."

"We miss you two." Betsy said as she blew a kiss and P blew one back. Mikey and I chuckled at them.

"You two are like an old married couple." Mikey grinned.

"Nah, that's you and her not me and her." Betsy replied as she poked her tongue out and Mikey did the same back. We're such an immature group.

Our facetime lasted for about an hour before Lily got hungry so we hung up. Only 4 days and then they're back.

Betsy fed Lily and then soon enough she fell asleep so we put her in the cot. Betsy and I decided to go back to bed too because it was only 8:30am.

I gave Betsy a peck on the lips but that soon turned into a deep passionate kiss and then a make out session and then....


Hello darlings!

Sorry for the short, crappy update again but I need to revise:(

I'll update again either tomorrow or on the weekend.

Where do you want me to go with this?

-Baby for both couples?


-Time jump?

Comment which one you want:)

Love you,



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