Chapter 15

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Parisa P.O.V

After Charlie and Betsy had left I turned to Mikey. She had a worried look on his face.

"Are you cheating on me?" I asked him, tears rolling down my cheeks. his expression turned from worry to horror.

"What?" he asked, "Why would you think that?"

"Just answer my question." I said bluntly.

"No, P." he sounded hurt, "I'm not."

"I don't believe you..." I said looking down, "I've seen your texts."

"What texts?" he sounded genuinely confused.

"From that girl, Lily or whatever." I choked, "When you were in the shower before we went to that theme park in NY." I was crying even more at this point.

"P," he chuckled slightly, "they're not what you think."

"Why are you laughing?" I yelled, "This isn't funny."

"If you let me explain..." he said before I cut him off.

"Explain?! How do I know you're not going to lie to me!"

"Because Lily is my cousin." he said.

"W...what?" I asked.

"She was telling me about some messages some girl had sent her boyfriend and she wanted to know whether I thought he was cheating on her." when he said this I looked down, I'm such an idiot.

"Mikey, I'm..."

"Don't you trust me?" he was upset, "Why would you think I was cheating on you?"

"I... I don't know." I said sheepishly, "I'm sorry."

"So am I." he said, "But I'm sorry that I have to end this." my heart sank.


"If you don't trust me, Parisa, then how can this relationship work? I'll still be there for you as a best friend and I'll still be a father to our baby." he looked me directly in the eyes, "But until you learn to trust me 100% then we can't date." and with that he got up and left. My heart had been ripped out of my chest. Mikey, the only person I'd ever loved had just dumped me because I made a stupid assumption. I heard a door slam upstairs and someone run downstairs. Just then Betsy ran in to the living room.

"What happened?" she asked, "Mikey just came to Charlie and I, he seemed upset..." I didn't answer her question, I just burst into tears. She rushed over to me and held me tightly. I cried for about half an hour before I told Betsy about everything that happened after she'd left. After I told her she said some things that soothed me and made me slightly, but all I wanted was to get out of the house so we decided to go for a walk. She quickly ran upstairs to get our coats and shoes and we left. We had just got to the end of the street when we heard someone call our names. We turned around and saw Charlie sprinting towards us. He explained how Mikey was refusing to talk to him, or anyone, and he felt awkward just sitting there so he was coming with us.

The three of us walked around for about 2 hours, and we probably would've stayed out longer if BB hadn't been complaining about needing the toilet for half an hour. As we reached our street Charlie suddenly picked BB up and ran ahead carrying her. I couldn't help but laugh, they were adorably childish. I got back to the house a few minutes after them. Just as I steped inside I was faced with a paniking Charlie.

"Chuggs, what's wrong?" I asked, "Is Betsy okay?" I was starting to worry.

"Yeah she's fine..." he replied, "But Mikey's gone."

"What?" I asked, worry flooding through me. Charlie didn't answer me he just handed me a note.


I need time to process what's happening. Sorry for just leaving but I promise I'm coming back. I just need some time alone. I'll be back in 3 weeks.

Love, Mikey x

P.S Parisa, I'm sorry.

I read the letter twice and then looked back to Charlie.

"Chuggs, he's coming back don't worry." I said with a slight smile on my face.

"I know but he's taken practically all of his stuff and we're supposed to starting the album next week. We can't delay it!"

"Crap... I hadn't thought of that." I could see that Charlie was paniking and, to be honest, I was as well by this point.

What if he doesn't come back in time? Or ever? What if the record label don't allow us to push it back a few weeks? What is this is the end of Only The Young?


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