Chapter 4

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A/N I know this quite a random chapter after the last few but I promise that after this I am gonna focus on their relationships and it wont be quite as random:)xoxo


Betsy P.O.V

I was fast asleep when all of a sudden two people jumped on me. It was Mikey and P.

“Ow…” I said sleepily. Parisa laughed.

“Wake up sleepy head!” they said in unison.

 “Today’s the day!” Parisa said excitedly.

“The day?” I questioned, still half asleep.

“The day we move into the house!” Mikey replied. I’d completely forgotten. Today was the day that we moved out of Parisa’s house and into the one Syco had gotten for us. I quickly jumped out of bed.

“I haven’t packed my stuff.” I said, panicking.

“Don’t worry,” Mikey said, “Charlie’s done it. He’s putting all the bags in that car now.” I smiled. We all left the room and started heading downstairs.

“Wait.” I said, pausing, “I’m still in my pyjamas.”

“You don’t have time now, Bets.” Parisa said. “And all your stuffs packed anyway.”

“We’re only gonna be in the car anyway.” Mikey added.

“Yeah, good point.” I smiled and then we all continued towards the car.

Charlie P.O.V

I’d just finished packing the bags into the car when the others walked out. I smiled when I saw that Betsy was still wearing her pyjamas. She must’ve noticed me looking at her because she blushed slightly and smiled back at me. She’s so beautiful. We all got into the car. Mikey was driving so Parisa sat in the front with him. Betsy and I sat in the back, obviously. It was an hour’s drive to the new house and it was only 8am so we were all quite grumpy. We’d just started heading off when Betsy yawned and cuddled into me, soon after she fell asleep. I smiled.


“Guys… Guys… Charlie?” I quickly opened my eyes. I obviously dozed off. Parisa smiled. “We’re at the house.” She sounded very excited. I smiled and looked at Betsy.

“Bets,” I said gently, “wake up.” I shook her gently and she slowly opened her eyes.

“Hm?” she mumbled sleepily, “What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Nothing, but we’ve just arrived at the house.” I said, smiling. She stretched her arms and we both got out of the car. All four of us stopped and stared, probably for a good few minutes, amazed at the size of the house. It was huge. There was only four of us but there was probably enough room for twenty. Then it hit us all that this was real. It was happening. We had won the X Factor and we are about to start our first ever album…

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