Chapter 6

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A/N I realised that I originally set this story in December so I'm gonna skip to about January 12th (basically today) which means Marisa have been dating for 2 months and Barlie for 1 month. And their album is gonna start in about a months time. Sorry if this this confusing but going through Christmas & New Year is something I can't write very well.... xoxo


Charlie P.O.V

Mikey and I were in the house alone, the girls had gone shopping because we're taking them out tonight. We have a surprise for them.

"How should we tell them?" I asked as Mikey stuffed his face with cold pizza.

"I dunno," he shrugged, "maybe we could put them at their places when they take the obvious bathroom break...?" I laughed. He was right, they will take an obvious bathroom break.

"Yeah," I replied, "good idea." Mikey smirked and then continueed to stuff as much food in his mouth as he could. After he's finished we played on the Xbox for a couple of hours and then decided to have a little "jamming" session. Finally, after about 4 hours, the girls returned. They walked arm in arm through the door, giggling like children. It was cute.

"Hey!" Parisa said, walking up to Mikey and giving him a kiss.

"Hey." he smiled, wrapping his arms around her.

"Did you guys have fun?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Betsy replied enthusiastically, "And, we bought you both something." she grinned at P while she said it. Parisa grinned back whilst Mikey and I just looked at one another, confused and worried.

Parisa P.O.V

Betsy and I quickly sneaked upstairs. We were laughing like fools.

"Do you think they'll wear them?" Betsy asked when she finally managed to stop laughing as much.

"Maybe," I replied, "but if then don't agree then we'll have to force them." I smirked. At first Betsy seemed worried but then she started to smirk with me.

"We should put ours on." Betsy said. I nodded in agreement. She then took her bags and went to her room. It was weird not sharing a room with her but we both liked finally having our own space and not having to worry about the mess. Five minutes later Betsy returned. She was wearing her new purchase. A big, pink, fluffy bynnt onsie. I burst out laughing. She joined in when she saw my tiger onsie. Then we walked downstairs and when we walked into the room they boys faces were priceless. The looked like they were gonna run for the hills. Then finally, the laughed.

"What the hell are they?" Charlie asked, he looked like her was gonna cry, he was laughing so much.

"Our new onsies," Betsy grinned and then threw a bag at him, "and here's your present." I grinned and gave Mikey a bag too. They looked in the bags, then at each other and darted upstairs.

"Wow," Betsy said as she sat down, "I didn't expect them to agree to it so easily."

"Me either." I replied, and with that we burst into hysterics again.

Mikey P.O.V

Charlie and I got upstairs and burt out laughing.

"Are we actually gonna wear these?" I asked.

"We might as well," Charlie replied, "they paid for them and it will be entertaining." he started laughing even more and I nodded in agreement. We then went to our rooms and changed. Parisa chose a crocodile onsie for me. It had a giant mouth thing that was on the hood and it made me look like an idiot. This made me laugh more. Then I saw Charlie's and I laughed even more. Betsy had chosen him a giraffe one. He looked ridiculous.

"Lets go show them what they've turned us into then." Charlie said whilst laughing. We ran downstairs and into the living room. The girls had their backs to us so Charlie picked Betsy up and span her around and I, gently, tackled P onto the sofa and started tickling her. This was going to be a very fun night...

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