Anakia Kenobi

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Anakia Kenobi's P.O.V.

"Papa! Come on!"

"Ani, don't stop. Remember what I taught you and whatever happens, don't stop running!" 

Koskie Kenobi, my father, shouts as his running slows down to a stop in the forest. My feet stop as well from the fear of being apart from my father. He sees my small feet stop moving, and he takes his Mandalorian helmet off and demands. 

"Anakia, run! Help is on the way. They'll find us, but you need to run now. Now, you hear me!"

"But-" Tears fall from my cheeks as I hear the shots of blasters get closer; I scream in agony. "I don't want to leave you!"

"Go! Ani! Go!"

Without another word, my father turns around and puts his helmet on. I let out a cry before sprinting the direction away from the commotion. Running through the high grass and trees, I glance back and see my father waiting for the destruction on this planet to reach him. 

I don't know what planet we're on. We've only here because our ship got hit, and this was the nearest place to go to. Just as I'm about to look back around, my foot hits a rock and I fall face-first into the dirt.

The shots of blasters get closer and the sound of my father gets harder to hear. Standing back up and holding my head, I run again, but this time I don't glance back at him. I don't know who wants to hurt us, but everyone always seems to be after us lately. 

My father never tells me what's going on if it's dangerous. He only ever says what to do next. As I sprint, a sudden sense of pain fills my chest, like something inside me died. I've felt it before; it was just after I split ways with my mother. 

The feeling had consumed my mind and soul in a way of sorrow, just as I feel now. I slow my pace and look back for my father in a worry about what this unwarming sensation means. I don't see any sign of him, but my mind fills with rage from the suffering sensation in my heart.

"There she is! Follow her!"

I panic when hearing strangers shouting through the trees. Blasters go off and they're close enough that I duck from the chances of getting hit. My head feels heavy and drained from the hit I took from falling. 

I turn left when reaching a large tree and then make a right when passing another tall, wide tree. The sounds of heavy boots and blasters still surround my ears. When I pass another tree; I turn but abruptly slip down a hillside. 

I roll a few yards down the hill, getting dirt and grass stains on my dress before I'm stopped at a fallen trunk. When I hit it and groan with severe pain forming in my forehead now. I don't waste any time and get underneath it to hide; my ten-year-old body fits right underneath it with no problem.

"She's around here somewhere. I know she hasn't gotten far."

Covering my mouth, I close my eyes and try to be as quiet as I can when the strange voices and footsteps getting closer. The group is running down the hill in search of me. I hear them running down the hill past me and I glance at the bottom of the hill. 

They're running through the trees and into a clearing I can't see in the distance. As their voices get softer in the distance, I finally take my hand from my mouth and pant for air. Tears roll down my face in silence, and I close my eyes to stop them from coming.

I wipe the tears off with my hands and when I open my eyes, there's blood on my fingers from the cut on my forehead bleeding down my face. My eyes are heavy and my head feels as if it can't move from the ground. 

I'm losing the battle with unconsciousness and I can tell there is nothing I do but lie there and let sleep take over my mind. As my eyelids want to close, I see a figure form in the distance, walking toward the log I'm under.

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