As The World Caves In

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Kylo Ren's P.O.V.


I turn around at the name, already knowing who said it. I haven't heard than name spoken by anyone but Anakia in years. Hearing anyone calling me by that name besides her bothers me. 

No one but her deserves to call me that, no matter the circumstance. Down the bridge, I see Han Solo standing on it with me. I find Ani in her long red wine dress, further behind him, staring at me with uncertainty. 

Anger rises in me from the idea of them speaking to one another. Wanting Ani closer to me than him, I step toward him in on the bridge with hands clenched. My anger wouldn't rise so hastily if I had the comfort of having Anakia in our room.

"Han Solo." I announce through my helmet in a metallic voice. "I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

I watch as Anakia's face becomes more uneasy and I know then she fears what I plan to do. Sensing her mind, I find her hoping for a change in paths for us. I realize now what Han spoke to her about; a chance to leave this Base. 

Han shuffles down the bridge nervously and Anakia follows far behind him onto the Bridge. Sensing her desire to leave this place grows as she gets closer to me. 

She glances at me and Han with longing eyes. Anger rises significantly at the thought of Han giving her false hope once again.

"Take off that mask." Han calls out to me as he comes closer to where I stand. "You don't need it."

"What do you think you'll see if I do?"

"The face of my son."

"Your son is gone." 

I say as I take off my helmet and drop it onto the bridge. I sense fear rise in Anakia and Han by my words. Glancing at Anakia coming closer to Han, I speak up, staring at her. 

"He was foolish and weak, like his father. So I destroyed him."

"That's what Snoke wants you to believe. But it's not true. I know it's not. You saved Anakia." Han shakes his head as he walks after to me. "My son is alive."

"No." I state while keeping my gaze on Han. "The supreme leader is wise."

"Snoke is using you for your power." Han speaks up quickly and comes to stand in front of me. "When he gets what he wants, he'll crush you and Anakia. He will kill her if she stays any longer." He says invulnerability while glancing to Ani behind him. "You know it's true."

"It's too late." I whisper with the thought of the life I built for Ani and I.

"No. It's not." Han lets out in a shaky breath. "Leave here with me and Ani. Come home." Raising his eyebrows, Han whispers. "We miss you."

"... I'm being torn apart. I want to be free of this pain." I confess and I feel Anakia hope spark up, causing her to walk closer to Han. Staring between the two of them, I speak the truth of my mind. "I know what I had to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it... Will you help me?"

"Yes, anything."

Han answers instantly and I see Anakia light up by my words. For that moment, I'm filled with sorrow for knowing what I'm about to put her through. She should have never been here with him. 

If she was in our room, she would never have gotten uncertain hope by him. Taking out my light saber, I hold it out between Han and I. He grasps the center and peers up at me with optimism I've only seen on Anakia for the past few years. 

She's only two feet away from Han now, and I know I must be careful of my next actions. Han tugs slowly at the saber in our hands, waiting for me to let go. I bring it closer to him while turning the front of the saber slightly toward him. 

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