Wicked Game

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Ani's P.O.V.

It's been three years, an entire three years, without seeing Ben.

I've been in this cell the entire time. Granted, I haven't been in here for the complete three years. I go to another room to shower once a week and I had a handful of times that I escape from this room. 

All those times, though, I could never make it outside of the building before the workers here caught me. I will say they have changed my room each time I broke out of it, making it harder the next time I tried. They have made the walls force protected, so I can't use the force on it; they permanently nailed the bed into the floor. 

There's a camera in the ceiling's corner and now I have to stand in the corner when my food's delivered to me. However, throughout all my breakouts and destruction in the building, I was not once harmed. Whenever I should and could've gotten hurt by the people in the building, I remember what Ben had said three years ago. 

It angers me I'm still waiting on him for over three years now. When I try to get any discussion or word out of the people watching me, I am left with nothing but glares. They have given me nothing to do, so I spent most of my days being one with the force. 

I do the best physical workout I can in this small room. Besides those two things, I'm not really able to do anything else. It has helped me master my mind with the force and to use it to sense everything around me in the building.

I've tried playing mind tricks on the people who give me food and walk me to the shower. They learned quickly to keep me from talking. At the moment, I'm laying on my bed with my eyes close, I'm surrounding myself with the force in hopes I can call out to any force users near me.

So far I feel little of the force of any kind, and it only makes me fear what Ben is doing with his time away from me in the past three years. I know he's training with the force of the dark side. With all the time he has without me, I know he can't be doing anything good. 

I feel an unbalance in the force from not hearing anything on the light side, but I might be somewhere too far away to hear. With my eyes still closed, I can sense someone walking down the hall toward my room at this very moment. I open my eyes and stand up immediately to go to the corner; I know they're coming for me. 

When I had escaped, I noticed my room was the only one in this hall. I hear the locks shifting on the other side before the door opens up. Suddenly, three men in black uniforms and helmets come in and surround me. 

I recognize from three years ago on the night I got taken here, but I haven't seen them since that night. I would never forget their appearances. Studying at them all suspiciously, I demand no one directly.

"What's going on here?"

None of them answer, but the middle one raises a black fabric bag as the other two men walk toward me. Backing up closer to the corner, I know this couldn't be good at all.

~ Eleven Months Later ~

I sat patiently on my bed, probably too patient if someone was watching me at the moment. I've been here for seven months though, so I have gotten comfortable with patience. Since they moved me to this room, I've been nothing but patient.

The three men in black helmets spent a great deal on moving me from the last cell to this location. I know I'm on a different planet than the last room they have trapped me in. Even when the fabric that had covered my eyes the entire way here, I knew I had gotten on a ship in between rooms.

Since my arrival in this new but same plain-looking room, I've done nothing but listen to their directions. In all honesty, that should have been their warning that I'm up to something. No one has questioned my motives for being so cooperative. 

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