🖋They find out you speak another language🖋

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He would ask you what language you were speaking and would ask you things like "Were is the language spoken?" and "Are your fluent?". So Ciel would just ask questions.


Depending on the language, he will either speak to you in said language or will ask you about it. Example, If you speak French he would speak in French but if you speak something like Spanish or Russian , he would ask you how to speak it. Sebastian would learn it quite quickly.


Mey-Rin would ask if you could teach it to her but every time she tries to pronounce something, the poor girls sounds like she is speaking gibberish.


He would ask you many questions and would then ask you if you could teach it to him. However, like Mey-Rin, he fails miserably.


Bard would talk to you about different places said language(s) are spoken and he would talk about if he has been there before or not.



Alois would bombard you with questions to the point that you had to tell him to stop talking. He would pout, leave, and try to learn it from Claude. So, he can impress you.


He would just question what you were saying and anytime you speak said language, he would force you to translate it to English. 


Hannah would ask you about were the language is spoken and bring you to the place you answer for a vacation. If you are not fluent however, she will do her best to help you.

The Circus


He would say "What 'ye saying?", and once you translate (depending on the language) he would comment on how different the English and other language sound.


Beast would say "English please" in a sassy tone. She would tell you to translate and she would always say that when you mumble something under your breath in another language.


Dagger would be pretty impressed that you keep speak two or more languages. So he would say how cool it is when you say a long sentence in another language.


He would say "Can you please speak English so I can understand you, said (insert snake name). However, if you need to ramble, he will say that you can speak in the other language(s).


Doll would talk about how cool the language sounds and would ask you how to say certain things into another language just to hear you speak it. 

The Reapers


Undertaker would say "what ever you are saying sounds very interesting dearie, mind telling me it in English as well as what language that is, hehe?". He would just sit next to you while you talk answer his question.


Grell would say "Oh~ darling, as much as I love those words of yours, I'm going to need to know what it is". Grell would be impressed but curious.


Ronald would say "Doll please translate so I can tell what ya saying?", and "Where is the language from?". He would then listen to what you are saying while you talk about the language and culture.



She would lean her head to the side and ask you what you are saying. Once you say so, she will talk about how she only knows a little French and how it's cool that you can speak more languages than she can.

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