💤You Resist going to Bed😴

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Ciel would attempt to pull your arm and bring you to bed but would fail miserably. So he would just say go to bed and if you still didn't want to sleep, he would guilt trip you.


Sebastian would just simply pick you up and throw you onto the bed and he would stand next to your bed to make sure you got to sleep. (Or cuddle you if requested) 


She would say something along the lines of, "Oh, dearie, you must go to sleep, yes you do!" and then drag you to bed, cuddling you so you can fall asleep peacefully.


Finny, having the power of super strength, would easily carry you to bed and is easily able to keep you in bed.


He would tell you to go to sleep, attempting to sugar coat it at first, but then after you decline multiple times, he would grow frustrated, put you to bed, and sit on the mattress saying, "Fine, if you won't sleep I won't either".



Alois has constant nightmares so he doesn't really do anything about it but if you two are up till nearly two a.m, he will whine for you to go to bed until you oblige, 


He would just silently pick you up, throw you onto the bed, and cuddle you until you give up and fall asleep.


You and Hannah were dating before she went mad and possessive so she knows what motives get you to go to sleep.


The would trap you in bed by each one hugging you and ,you not capable of leaving, would eventually fall asleep.

The Circus


Joker would guilt trip you until you fall asleep. 


Beast would attempt to guilt trip you as well by saying, "If you don't get sleep, you'll be to tired to perform or practice" and if that doesn't work, she would sigh and drag you to bed by your arm.


He would be at your knees, begging for you to sleep until you do. 


He would wrap his arms and snakes around you and, due to the comfort, you would fall asleep.


Doll would be drag you to bed and cling onto you so you can't get up.

The Reapers


Undertaker would close both you and him in a coffin (Apologizes claustrophobes) and ,again, you would eventually fall asleep.  


She would be overly dramatic about it until you are done with her rambling and you agree to sleeping. 


In all honesty, he would probably put something in your drink, I wouldn't be surprised.



Lizzie would be ,similar to dagger, hugging the life out of you, begging you to go to bed until you agree.

Madam Red

Madam Red would cover up as 'cuddling' but in reality she knows the warmth and comfort of a hug would easily cause you to sleep. 

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