𝖴𝗇𝖼𝗅𝖾 𝖾𝗒𝖾𝗉𝖺𝗍𝖼𝗁

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"( Y/N ), wait!"

Jean exclaimed, getting up from her seat as the little kid that was now a few weeks in Mondstadt already, ran out of the office of the acting grandmaster — for who knows what reason.

As the traveler and Paimon came back to the city a few weeks ago, they brought the little child towards the knight of favonius — who searched for the parents of the little being, but sadly couldn't make out who it was.

Not knowing where the kid would stay and who could take care of them, it was decided that they would stay with the Knights for the time being. The name "( Y/N )" was given to them a few days after they were found, as Lisa — the librarian, decided that it was a good name for them, knowing the name of a book that she once read.

Recently, little ( Y/N ) was supposed to stay with Jean till she finished the paperwork that still laid on her desk, but it seemed like the kid wasn't that interested in just staying there. They were an energetic kid to say at least — running after everything that was somehow interesting for them.

Giggling, they ran out of the office as they were about to exit the building but instead bumped into someone's leg and stumbled back.

Looking up, ( E/C ) eyes were met with light blue ones as the little being already knew who it was.


They almost shouted, exited to see the male who just chuckled at this, crouching down to pat the kids head.

"Hello there"

He said with a wide grin, also happy to see ( Y/N ) since they were honestly a really cute kid and also very lively — a nice person to be around, even if they were only like 5 years right now. Through, it could be a little bit exhausting since they would get distracted very fast.

"( Y/N ) I told you to not just run away, did I?"

Jean also finally came towards the two, as she was glad to see Kaeya who stopped the child from wandering around Mondstadt on themselve.

Jumping on Kaeyas back — who was still crouching down, ( Y/N ) looked at the acting grandmaster with their all too well-known puppy eyes, basically pleading to come along with Kaeya and stroll through Mondstadt.

It was a little difficult for people to understand what the kid wanted sometimes, due to them not really speaking except of saying some names or such, but the longer you would spend with the child, the easier you would understand the meaning behind their actions.

And sometimes there isn't even a meaning behind it.

"It's ok, I take care of them"

Kaeya said, chuckling as he stood up again, ( Y/N ) still hanging around his neck from behind as the acting grandmaster wasn't that sure about the whole thing, not wanting to let the kid alone with, well, Kaeya.

It wasn't like she didn't trusted the navy-haired knight, it's just that he himself, could be reckless some times. And then let him alone with a child?

They would most likely end up burning the tavern... like one would say, fight fire with fire.

"Don't worry Jean, I take good care of them"

The male said as he saw the unsure expression of the acting grandmaster who just signed at this.

"Make sure to have an eye on them then"

The female gave in, allowing the little child to go along Kaeya to stroll through the city or maybe the area around — to collect a few flowers or such.

Smiling from ear to ear, ( Y/N ) tightened her grip around the males neck, perking up a little as Kaeya almost choked.

"Ok- ok let's go"

Kaeya said, through the loss of air that he had — turning around with the kid still on his back that was not planning on letting go anyway.

"So, what do you wanna do, ( Y/N )?"

The male asked, holding onto their little arm so that they would not choke him completely as they were now walking down the stairs of the headquarter.


Was all what little ( Y/N ) said, making Kaeya sheepishly chuckle.

"If that's what you want"

The male said, though he wasn't that exited to see his brother again, he couldn't help but smile at the excited little kid, chuckling as he made his way towards the tavern with little ( Y/N ) still on his back.

The male said, though he wasn't that exited to see his brother again, he couldn't help but smile at the excited little kid, chuckling as he made his way towards the tavern with little ( Y/N ) still on his back

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I hope y'all enjoyed and I swear it is going to be better in future chapters

~ Author-Chan

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