𝖨𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖺 𝖽𝖺𝗍𝖾?!

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The sun was rising again as Jean stayed at her office the whole night, ( Y/N ) sleeping on her lap all the time what made a bit complicated for the female to properly do her work. But she didn't minded it as long as the kid was comfortable there and just did her work like this. She had a lot to do — especially since a lot Fatui agents came into the city recently what caused the grandmaster to have a lot of paperwork, and combined with all the requests and some people complaining, it was a bunch of work that wasn't just finished within a day.

It wasn't that unusual for the female to stay over night — and now that Aether and Paimon brought the child back at the evening before, they just stayed there as well to rest. To be honest, the grandmaster enjoyed the company even if the kid was just asleep, it wasn't that lonely anymore.

The wolf pup of ( Y/N ) was also fast asleep besides the office table as Jean didn't even noticed the sun that was rising again, reading what was written on a piece of paper till a knock was heard on the door, causing the female to came back to reality as the office door opened short after — revealing the all too familiar librarian Lisa who leaned against the doorframe.

"Jean, sweetie, your overworking yourself again"

"Lisa... how late is it?"

"It's 5 in the morning"

The librarian said while raising a brow at the grandmaster who seemed to be slightly surprised about how 'late' it already was, or rather — how long she was up already.

"Oh... I must have forgotten about the time"

Sighing — Lisa came towards the females desk as she let the door open, picking up ( Y/N ) from Jean's lap as they were still fast asleep. The grandmaster put the paperwork to the side as paper stacks were built left and right, surprising even the librarian.

"You should really take some rest, sweetie"

"No... I'm not tired I should just continue my work before—"

"Uh-uh, your not gonna continue whatever you were doing just now. If you aren't tired then we will take a walk with ( Y/N )"

Lisa smiled, one hand on her hip as the child was asleep in her one arm. Jean looked at her friend for a moment as she blinked a few times, not being entirely sure if Lisa was all serious by that.

"But there's still much work to—"

"And it will still be there in a few hours, Jean"

Now looking a bit more serious, the grandmaster sighed before chuckling a bit, smiling at the other female for a moment before standing up from her place.

"If you really insist... then I guess I will come along"

"That's what I wanted to hear"

Lisa enthusiastically said before turning around with ( Y/N ) still in her arm, going outside the office already before Jean picked up the wolf pup and turned to her desk and all the finished or unfinished paperwork — but turned around again to forget about all these for a moment. The female walked outside before closing the wooden door, as the librarian was waiting there already so they could leave the building together.

This was going to be a bit more... exciting, than the two would have thought.

 exciting, than the two would have thought

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Hi hi,

Hope y'all are doing well and enjoyed this chapter a bit even when there was not that much happening. But I promise it gets better from next chapter on again 🏃‍♀️

And also, I wanted to update yesterday but I did a lot that day, including me coming back from my short holidays :P but bc of corona, we aren't able to make holidays far away from home so I just went to the beach a few days since it's pretty close 🙋‍♀️

I really do hope you have a great time as well and just for your info; maybe, just maybe, there are going to be two updates tomorrow on my books.

So probably be prepared lol

Enough small talk, hope you had a great day / night and see you hopefully soon <333

~ Author-Chan

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