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„Welcome to the cats tail, what would you like to order?"

Jean, Lisa and ( Y/N ) finally arrived at the cats tail after some time of walking, now greeted by a girl with short pink hair who just came rushed out of the building as she saw the three seemingly about to enter. The librarian was a bit confused at first, not being entirely sure if that small girl really did worked at a tavern, but as Jean didn't even seemed to be confused about that in the slightest, Lisa didn't thought about it even further since she knew that the grandmaster was at this place before — most likely already knowing about the pink haired female,

"Yes, could you please bring us three Invigorating Pizzas"

The girl just nodded before walking back inside the rather small tavern, giving the order over to the cook before coming outside again with some fish-formed cat treats. ( Y/N ) was just sitting on the ground while playing with Pom Pom Puri as they noticed the pink haired girl laying the treats a bit away from the wooden table outside where Jean and Lisa now already sat before she just stood there for a moment.

The child stood up from their spot on the ground and silently went over towards the girl as they now stood directly besides her — causing the girl to be startled as she had just looked to her side, suddenly seeing the kid directly besides herself.

"A warning would be nice next time"

The pink haired female breathed out while her hand layer on her chest — asking herself why this felt lme a Jump-scare to see that kid out of nothing there as she took a closer look at them.

"Oh? You have to be... eh, what was your name again...? Ah, ( Y/N ), Right? The kid that the traveler found outside Mondstadt several weeks ago"

Not getting an answer and instead just a wide grin of the kid, the girl remembered to hear about the fact that they didn't talked. Everything that happened in Mondstadt wouldn't last long to be a secret, so even after the first few days of ( Y/N ) being in the city, everyone knew about them. Some knew more, like that they would mostly just use names to communicate — if they communicate to begin with, and others just knew about an abandoned kid that was found and now on the care of the grandmaster herself.

And especially a Tavern was a place where everyone talked about the most random stuff — so the workers there knew about literally anything of what was going on.

"Well, I'm Diona bartender of the Cat's Tail, as you can see"

The female said, her hand on her hips as she proudly stood there in front of ( Y/N ) who only grinned even more at this, loving it to meet new people. But before another word was said, a cat suddenly jumped in front of the two where the fish-formed cat treats laid, directly followed by two others as the three were about to eat the treats, just to be interrupted by a certain wolf pup sprinting at their direction, causing the cats to run away as quick as they even came before Pom Pom Puri even had a chance to get near them.


Diona didn't even noticed the wolf pup before as she looked at the pet now happily eating the treats while ( Y/N ) looked a bit confused about what just happened, also staring at the small pup before looking around for the three cats.

"Here we go, three Invigorating Pizzas"

Margaret — the owner of the tavern came outside with three plates of pizza as she placed them down on the wooden table before going inside the building again, not staying outside for that long.

"( Y/N ) sweetie, come over here, the food is ready"

Lisa said, smiling at the kid who ran over while the wolf pup happily came along, sitting besides in the hope to get some of the food as well while ( Y/N ) turned around towards Diona once more, smiling at her as the girl just did the same before going inside the tavern as well to get some more cat treats as the child, Jean and Lisa started eating.

Lisa said, smiling at the kid who ran over while the wolf pup happily came along, sitting besides in the hope to get some of the food as well while ( Y/N ) turned around towards Diona once more, smiling at her as the girl just did the same before ...

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Tbh the last part with Pom Pom Puri reminded me of my own dog Yuri who literally just jumped on the dinning table to get my food 🚶‍♀️ welp

Anyways, how are you guys doing :P did you already pulled Kazuha? Or are you maybe skipping it? If you want him but didn't got him till now then I wish you good luck UwU

I will go to sleep now 🙋‍♀️ so I hope you enjoyed this chapter and had / have a great day!

See you hopefully soon <333

~ Author-Chan

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