𝖥𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗈𝗋 𝖿𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍? 𝖭𝖺𝗁, 𝗉𝖾𝖺𝖼𝖾 𝖻𝗋𝗈

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There was a kid sitting in the middle of an giant frost-lawachurl, an Cryo abyss mage and a few hillichurls who were all about to attack the child as they seemingly didn't paying much mind to it as they happily analyzed a mint flower.

Yep, that's little ( Y/N ). You probably wonder how they ended up in this situation. To explain this, let's get a few minutes back.

"Klee, please don't attack this hillichurls!"

Sucrose said with the most raised voice she could muster as ( Y/N ) was holding her hand, admiring anything and everything around them like always.

The three were outside the little camp at dragonspine where Albedo was doing his work, looking around for interesting things. Even though Sucrose would prefer to stay with the other two males inside the camp but the two kid's needed someone who would have an eye over them.

"( Y/N ) please wait a second here, ok?"

The green-haired female said as she and the child stood besides a tree, ( Y/N ) nodding at her as they were smiling brightly, resisting her that they would stay there for the time that Sucrose would try to drag Klee away from the hillichurl camp.

The ( H/C )-haired kid really had the intention to wait — and if the frost-butterfly that floated in front of them weren't that pretty, they might really would have stayed in their place.

But that wasn't the case — the butterfly really was pretty.

Trying to catch the little animal, the child didn't even really noticed how far they already went from the place where Sucrose and Klee were at.

There were many other things that caught the interest of them as the child ran from the right to the left, following a seelie one time and climbed a very very small hill — ending with the kid crouching down besides a mint-flower that seemed to slightly glow, most likely because of the sun that just peeked in between two of the trees nearby, only allowing the sunlight to reach the teal flower.

They were also greatly aware of the enemy's that were nearing them since, well, who wouldn't notice a huge frost-lawachurl and this annoying sounds that abyss mages would do every time they teleport themself.

Not even averting their gaze from the mint-flower in front, ( Y/N ) payed literally no mind to them as they neared them every second, until they were only a few meters apart as the kid finally turned their head, the smile never leaving their face.

Standing straight up again, little ( Y/N ) was face to face with the frost-lawachurl who slightly lowered his upper body before suddenly rising up again, activating his shield in an instant as the
( H/C )-haired child watched with excitement, not aware of the attack that would come next.

The creature slammed with his fists against the ground that slightly shook due to the impact, ( Y/N ) chuckling because of that. The frost-lawachurl was about to attack properly but was stopped by an insane impact at his side that sent the monster a few meters away.

The hillichurls and abyss mage then also turned towards the cause of this attack — ready to fight themself as they just ran towards the person from who it came.

Also looking to the side, ( Y/N )'s ( E/C ) eyes were met with teal ones of Albedo who let out a slightly relieved sigh

"There you are, ( Y/N ). You shouldn't run off like that, you know?"

The alchemist exclaimed as he then began to fight off the hillichuls, Klee and Sucrose also coming after a short time, helping the male out a little.

Klee was as excited as the little child that just watched the show, sitting down on the snowy ground again as a big grin was plastered on their face.

Klee was as excited as the little child that  just watched the show, sitting down on the snowy ground again as a big grin was plastered on their face

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Ahh a short chapter ( '∀`) I'm sorry for that. I don't even know why but the chapter at my one other book is also a little short... ahh next time you get one that is a little longer again.

And pls, I was planning an wishing for Yanfei on Zhongli's banner ( already have Zhongli since his first banner ) but then I saw a leak of Kazuha again and- I-  I'm head over heels for this handsome man... I don't waste a single primogem anymore and are saving up for him ✋

But anyways, I hope you had / have a good day and see you hopefully soon <33

~ Author-Chan

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