𝖫𝖾𝗍 𝗂𝗍 𝗌𝗇𝗈𝗐

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( A/N: thank you guys so much for 1k reads! Love u )

Albedo walked with Klee towards Dragonspine as the little child named ( Y/N ) was placed in his arms. The two kids were extremely excited about the snowy region as Albedo was still thinking about if this really was a good idea. Jean agreed with it and also took the wolf pup with her in the office to have an eye over it but the blond-haired male thought that she most likely only agreed because she thought it would be nice for ( Y/N ) to have company from Klee, and also so that she herself could get some decent rest.

He made a mental note to tell Sucrose to have an eye on the both so he could at least concentrate at his work for a few minutes.

As the first few snow fields could be seen — a few snowflakes also fell from the sky as little ( Y/N ) seemed to catch interest in them, trying to climb onto Albedos head from the side as they tried to catch some a bit higher.

The ash-blond haired male now had a hold onto the kid with his both hands so they wouldn't fall over, telling them that they should stop whatever they were doing.

But it was of no use as ( Y/N ) was too busy with the little white flocks as to hear what Albedo had said, Klee also finding interest in them as she ran around the little snow fields at the sides and tried to catch some snowflakes.

Reaching the camp at the beginning of Dragonspine where a lot of people were standing around — most of them adventures or alchemists and the others being there to cook them food or make weapons.

Sucrose — the young female alchemist turned around from her work as she noticed Albedo and Klee returning to the camp but was also met with a little kid that tried to climb the blondes head for some reason — now looking around all the people as they admired the work that every singe one of them did.

Approaching the three, Sucrose wore a small smile as the child that was now standing on Albedo's shoulder, also noticed her presence and looked at the female with a curious but also excited look.

"Hello master Albedo. Klee. And... um"

The green-haired female greeted, not knowing how the other kid that came along, was named.

"This is ( Y/N ). They will accompany us today"

Albedo said as he now set the child down to the ground as they still had a hold of the males hand, causing him to lean to the side the slightest bit due to the difference in heights.

Sucrose crouched down as she gently smiled at
( Y/N ) who looked at her with big eyes and a grin plastered on their face.

"Hello there, my name is Sucrose"

The female greeted as the child looked at her curiously, letting go of Albedo's hand as she suddenly neared Sucrose's head with them who looked slightly confused until she noticed that the kid was reaching out for her non-human ears.

They had sparkles in their eyes as they noticed that Sucrose really got some animal-like ears and admired then — the green-haired female not really knowing what to do as Albedo then spoke up again.

"I'm afraid we have to go now, otherwise we aren't able to finish the experiment till sunset. Sucrose, please tell me the details about the progress of the time I wasn't there on the way"

The male told as said female nodded at him, standing up again as ( Y/N ) looked a little disappointed as they still wanted to admire Sucrose's non-human ears.

The way towards the camp that was directly placed at the mountain in dragonspine, was a long walk and on the way — the little child was carried by Sucrose as the green-haired female was explaining the things about their experiment to the other alchemist, Klee walking in front of them as her interest was caught by a lot of different things as the girl ran from left to right to analyze almost every single plant there — even though she visited Dragonspine a good amount of times till then.

( Y/N ) was busy by fiddling with Sucrose long hair, trying to braid it or such — unsuccessful.

Reaching the little camp where already another alchemist was standing who analyzed a strange black sword with purple details on it, seemingly in thoughts as the other four reached their destination.

Albedo greeted the other male with the name Timaeus as also he, seemed kinda surprised about the presence of another kid. Especially an even younger kid than Klee was, but he didn't payed much mind to it and began talking towards the blond-haired alchemist about his work.

"Oh and Sucrose, please look after the two"

Albedo then said, shortly averting his attention from Timaeus to the green-haired female as she nodded in response, turning around to see little ( Y/N ) who she let down just a minute ago — sitting on the ground besides Klee.

Sucrose slightly sweat-dropped as she let out a sheepish chuckle, not knowing how she was supposed to handle the two way too excited and adventurous kids on her own.

This was going to be a long day

This was going to be a long day

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Here we gooo,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are excited for the next one UwU

I feel like this one is written pretty random? Don't know how to explain and it's not like I don't like this chapter but it's also not my favorite o.o

But anyways, hope you had / have a good day and see you hopefully soon!

~ Author-Chan

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