𝖲𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗎𝖻𝗅𝖾𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗎𝖻𝗅𝖾𝗌

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( A/N: first of all, sorry That you had to wait for a chapter that long T^T and secondly; I don't really know if visions in Genshin still work if they aren't near the person who they belong to but the whole thing in Inazuma let me guess that they don't. However, we will just pretend that they still work if someone takes them away or something, deal? Deal 🤝 )

„So... what do you Plan to do about this... thing?"

Lisa asked while holding the red crystal in her hand while they sat on the ground, ( Y/N ) asleep on Jean's lap while Pom Pom puri, the small wolf pup was laying besides as a sigh was heard from the grandmaster.

"I don't know... it's obviously too dangerous for a child like ( Y/N ) to have a pyro vision — I mean one Klee is far than enough, so I will give it to Albedo and hopefully he finds a way to break this connection so that ( Y/N ) isn't something like a living bomb..."

Chuckling — the librarian hold the vision high as the sun reflected the red color of the orb while Lisa seemed to find it kinda beautiful before she took it down again, the small smile on her face vanishing.

"Jean... I know you don't want to hear it, but did you thought about what will happen with ( Y/N )? You're the acting grandmaster sweetie, you don't have the time to take care of a kid"


"No but's. Aether, Diluc, kaeya and whoever can't look after them 24/7 as well, they all have their own things to do"

The female said as Jean didn't dared to look up at her surprisingly serious friend as she watched the sleeping child, knowing that things couldn't stay like this forever. But for the blonde was the search after a place for them to stay even harder than before. It got more and more difficult for her to think about giving
( Y/N ) away, even though Jean hadn't much time left for the kid and needed someone to take care of them almost all the time, but it felt like they were a part of the family by now.

But then again; it was inevitable.

"I don't have an idea by now so let's just not talk about it right now, ok?"

With a nod of Lisa who honestly wasn't happy about that whole this just as Jean, the two went silent as they looked up at the blue sky for some time before they decided that it was time to go back to Mondstadt again.

The still sleeping kid was carried by Jean as the wolf pup just tiredly walked besides the other female before they entered the city again, greeted by the two guards at the entrance as well as Kaeya who walked down the street — waiving at them for a second before going back to his business. Same went for Diona who happily greeted the two as they walked past the cats tail and back towards the headquarters.

As the two entered Jean's office, Pom Pom Puri immediately jumped on the small couch to sleep as the grandmaster laid ( Y/N ) right besides while Lisa just leaned against the doorframe.

"It was nice doing something like this today, let's repeat that someday — well at least to the part where
( Y/N ) almost got themself to explode"

"That would be very nice, yes"

Jean chuckled, looking at Lisa for a moment before the librarian spoke up again.

"I guess I should go now. Oh and Jean — think about what to do. It will just hurt yourself and even ( Y/N ) if your gonna take too long to decide"

The female said, smiling at her friend one last time before going away, leaving the blonde alone with the child and the wolf as Jean looked at the pyro vision that she took in her hand.

"I should really make a decision..."


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Hello hello 🙋‍♀️

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that it's not getting too bored or something :,)

But whateverrrrr, yk yk I like to share my art with you HAHA and I made a few oc's so here they are

But whateverrrrr, yk yk I like to share my art with you HAHA and I made a few oc's so here they are

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That's pretty random, Ik 💃 still working on a few and on what the heck their names should be lol

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That's pretty random, Ik 💃
still working on a few and on what the heck their names should be lol

But nowww, I really hope you had / have a great day and see you hopefully soon <333

~ Author

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