𝗃𝗎𝗅𝗂𝖺 𝗅𝖾𝗂𝗌𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗄; 𝖺𝗌 𝖠𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋

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"Albedo, did you found out something?"

Jean walked into the office of said male with a sleeping ( Y/N ) in her arm as the blond male on the other side of the room turned the grandmaster.

"Well, yes but I guess it's not what you wanted to hear"

Albedo said as the female just sighed, roughly knowing what the blonde was about to say as she walked over to him with ( Y/N ) still deep asleep.

"It's possible to break the connection of a vision holder and their vision but I wouldn't recommend it since as far as I know, doing that would greatly influence their mental health. So the best idea would probably be to let ( Y/N ) have the vision"

He said, handing the red crystal over to the grandmaster who took it with her free hand and looked at it for a moment before putting it in her pocket.

"Thank you for taking so much time for that..."

Jean said as you could her in her voice that she wasn't really happy about the news, not knowing if Mondstadt could handle a second Klee. And if it weren't already enough — also someone who couldn't even properly do what they were said to do.



Jena hesitated for a moment.

"I made a decision"

As that was said, the alchemist had his concentration full on what the grandmaster was about to say, knowing that it had something to do with the child.

"We can't have ( Y/N ) here forever and I think everyone knows that already. We need to search for their parents properly and outside of Mondstadt as well as inside"

The female exclaimed as even albedo could see that she didn't liked her own idea. But the male understood that this was most likely the best thing to do — also in terms of doing the best for the kid.

"It will surely take some time, but still — enjoy the time you have left with them so you wouldn't regret anything in the end"

Albedo said as he watched the small human being before turning to his desk again and began to work on something new again while the female just nodded at what he said before leaving the room with a small 'thanks again'.

Sighing once again, Jean came out of the office just as a familiar brunette almost run into Jean who was still carrying the child.

"Ah! Grandmaster Jean, I'm so sorry"

"Amber. Don't worry, it was my fault for not paying attention. and besides — I wanted to talk to you anyways so would it make any trouble to come with me for a moment?"

"Oh yeah sure, no problem!"

Amber exclaimed while grinning before walking after the grandmaster who went out of the building just to stop outside again — looking the different buildings in Mondstadt.

"So? What is it that you wanted to tell me, grandmaster Jean?"

"...I would like you to go to the nearby villages with ( Y/N ) and search for their parents"


Amber looked over to the female while seeing the kid still fast asleep, their cheeks rosy and the big eyes closed.

'So cute'

Amber thought before looking up at Jean again who didn't even dared to look in another direction than directly in front.

"And... I would like to come along as well"

The blonde said as Amber looked surprised at first but it didn't took long for a wide smile to appear on red outriders lips.

"Aye Aye! But... just to know — is it really alright with you?"

"It's the best for the child and also for us. We can't afford something like this..."


Te facial expression on Ambers face slowly changed again as she thought about how important ( Y/N ) was to Jean, just as the kid finally woke up again, cuddling against Jean even more as they still were pretty tired. Using the vision was really tiring for them.


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Hello hello my comrades, hope you didn't missed me too much 🕺 ok just kidding, how are y'all doing? I'm doing pretty well rn UwU

And plsss I just got 4 five star weapons on the weapon banner within not even 20 wishes?! I think Mihoyo loves me 🏃‍♀️

Well then, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and are excited for the next one 🙋‍♀️ but don't be too excited because I honestly don't know when it will be online 🥲

However, have a great day / night as see you hopefully soon <333

~ Author

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