𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝗈𝗈𝗆 𝖻𝗈𝗈𝗆 𝗏𝗂𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇

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„( Y/N ), wake up"

A gentle voice silently rang through the room as the eyes of the child that had just slept, fluttered open, revealing two ( E/C ) orbs that looked up to see a slightly smiling Jean.

"Ah, your awake"

The female said.

"Say, do you want to accompany Aether and Paimon towards the winery today?"

The grandmaster asked as she stroked through the hair of the still sleepy kid as they looked at her for a moment before the typically grin was plastered on their face again, nodding at what Jean had asked.

The female then put ( Y/N ) down from the bed and went to pick up their new clothes real quick so the child could put them on before the traveler would arrive to pick them up.

"Here you go. Come to my office as soon as you are done, ok?"

Jean said as she crouched down in front of the kid who nodded as the female smiled at them, patting their head before standing up straight again and leaving the room, closing the door behind her as
( Y/N ) then took off their Pyjama and put on the fresh clothes.

But before the child had left the room, they quickly went over to where Jean always put the clothes from the day before so they could be cleaned, and pulled something out of the pocket.

It was the red crystal with fire symbol that they still couldn't really remember what exactly it was, as they had just put it inside of the pocked of the new clothes as ( Y/N ) then left the room, walking down the stairs of the building and went over to Jean's office.

Reaching for the door handle that was placed slightly higher than the kid themself, they opened it, looking inside as they saw the Grandmaster already going through a good amount of letters that were placed on her desk.

"Oh, ( Y/N ). Come over, I'm doing your hair"

The female said, noticing the child as they came inside the room, running over towards Jean as she picked them up, placing the kid on her lap as she then began to comb through their ( H/L ) hair with the comb that she always had by her desk since
( Y/N ) came to the city, making their hair almost every day.

Just as the female was done, someone knocked on the wooden door on the other end of the room as Jean let the kid down again before speaking up.

"Come in"

As that was said, the blond-haired traveler and his emergency food came inside.


Paimon was the first to speak up as she was as energetic as ever, ( Y/N ) excitedly waving at them as Aether slightly smiled, giving a small wave back. The child ran over towards them, hugging the travelers leg as they laughed a slight bit.

"Seems like ( Y/N ) wants to accompany us! Let's not waste any time!"

The pixie exclaimed as Aether mentally cried, just now remembering that he would be alone with the two most energetic and overexcited people that he had ever met.

"Yes, have fun and take care"

Jean said, not wanting to begin a big conversation since it would only hold the three back and she herself had still a lot of things to do. Aether gave a small nod before he picked ( Y/N ) up, not wanting them to hang around his leg the whole time as he then left the office again, closely followed by Paimon who closed the door behind them.

As the three walked — or rather just Aether since Paimon was floating and the child now placed on his shoulders again, ( Y/N ) had the pyro vision in their hands again, analyzing it as the red color seemed to glow in the bright sun.

"Oh, what do you have there?"

The pixie asked, floating near them as the kid grinned, proudly showing the pretty crystal to Paimon who stopped in her tracks immediately.

"Heh?! ( Y/N ) where did you got that from?!"

She exclaimed, grabbing the vision as she analyzed it herself, wanting to know if this really was a vision, Aether also coming to an stop as he averted his eyes towards Paimon.

"What is it?"

He asked, not knowing what was going on since the child had held the crystal above his head the whole time, now also not really seeing what the emergency food held in her hands as he turned towards her, wanting to know what was going on as Paimon just looked up at him, her face blank — just wide eyes as she said something to herself, coming out in almost a whisper.

"The amount of chaos..."


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Ayy I just created a new Insta acc Bc my usual one is just an oc acc and I wanted one to post
✨Radom bullshit from Genshin✨ sooo, yeah if you want, feel free to follow me ☆〜(ゝ。∂)( @wisteriiapath but gonna change that to wisteriapath as soon as the name is available again Bc I used it at my first acc before )

I also have tt and am thinking about a Twitter acc but I guess I'm too lazy 🤷‍♀️ yeahhh

But anywayssss, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and had / have a great day. See you hopefully soon <33

~ Author-Chan

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