𝖠𝖽𝗈𝗉𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗉𝖺𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾

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Since that specific incident of Tomke, an old friend of ( Y/N )'s parents, weeks had already passed and a few things had changed.

Jean was well aware of the fact that things couldn't stay the way that they were before, so after after a few days, she decided something that she probably should have done before: she gave the kid to the church of Favonius where they could be in company all day, learn things like reading and especially speaking since they somehow still rarely did that and after they would grow a bit older, also help out in the church and learn the basic things like cooking for example.

Even though the grandmaster thought about this all before, she wanted to have the kid around at first because she immediately took a liking into them, not wanting to give ( Y/N ) to the lot of people of the church even before they properly got to know the city and it's people. And after a while... she kinda forgot about this option.

The child got in the care of Barbara at first but since the female also had a lot of things to do, even though she really really liked the kid, sometimes she needed to give them in the hands of sister Rosaria or sister Victoria.

Barbara once showed ( Y/N ) how to do a simple medicine for small wounds, trying to teach them the basic stuff about it but it ended up exploding and somehow a neon green, corrosive acid was created while Rosaria was watching in the back and laughed her ass off and Barbara immediately gave up on the thought of ( Y/N ) making the medicine. I mean, in the end there would probably be a pandemic caused by one of this things created by the small kid.

It got colder outside by every passing day, but that didn't stopped a lot of people to come and visit the church — or basically to visit ( Y/N ), almost every day. For example Kaeya and Amber sometimes would even make a race about who would reach the cathedral first just after the sun had risen. Other than them, Noelle did visited and tried to teach
( Y/N ) how to read, Diona was usually there at Sunday and brought some pizza and an non-alcoholic drink of course that the child enjoyed very much and as probably expected, Venti visited as well. But since the day he said to one of the sisters that he was Barbatos himself and stole the holy lyre des Himmels, he usually wasn't really allowed to stay there for long.

Surprisingly even Diluc came along at some points when he wasn't busy with work, and Aether and Paimon as well if they would be in Mondstadt. But I think that Jean would visit the church every single time she had no work to do, is not much of an surprise.

One thing that Jean took note of especially, was that after Tomke visited, ( Y/N ) would often sit by the window and look outside as for waiting for someone to return home. They still had the hope that their parents would return even after that time that had passed now.

It didn't took long till the first snowflakes fell onto the streets of Mondstadt, covering it in a slight shade of white. The days got shorter and the temperatures sank rapidly what caused the grandmaster to immediately go and guy a warm coat for ( Y/N ) in case they would go outside — what they actually did a lot when they and Klee played in the snow while mostly Albedo would stand at the sides and sketch a bit.

It was a Sunday morning, around 8 am as ( Y/N ) sat on one of the benches inside the church besides Noelle, trying to read a few phrases of a book but that was still a struggle for the child. It didn't took long till the doors of the church were quickly pushed open, revealing Kaeya and Amber almost falling inside after they ran as fast as the could towards the entrance. "Ha! I won! Again!" Exclaimed the brunette as she jumped up properly again before dusting off some snow of her clothes.

 "Ha! I won! Again!" Exclaimed the brunette as she jumped up properly again before dusting off some snow of her clothes

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