𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐭'𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝

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It didn't took that long till a bit of the cold from the first floor, also came through the doors to the Archive and the temperature fell the slightest again. But that wasn't that much of a problem for the group anymore as they all sat in a circle, covered with the sheets that they found a while ago, as Diluc somehow managed to create a small campfire with the help of the wooden boxes that stood all around. To be honest, it wasn't the safest thing to let a fire burn done there but since it was just a light flame and the bit smoke that was created by it was immediately drawn out of the door at the end of the stairs that wasn't properly closed, it worked.

The sound of the fire burning down on the wood was really relaxing and Sucrose and Klee already fell asleep in each other's arms after eating a bit of the spicy stew. Almost everyone else still had their bowl in their hands and was eating the hot food to get even more warmth, other than Diluc and Kaeya.

Amber wasn't really cold at times like this since she could simply use her pyro vision to warm up her limbs and now she wasn't freezing as well, but just enjoyed the food, even though it was a bit spicy.

As the comfortable and relaxing silence whiled for a bit longer, it got suddenly interrupted by the noise of the door being pushed open as the sound of it rang through the whole room. Everyone looked up at the cause of whatever had opened the door at the end of the stairs as a familiar blonde traveler with his little pixie companion came into the archive — seemingly freezing from the cold.

"Aether?" Barbara exclaimed as she sat besides Rosaria who she had forced to share one of the sheets with her as the two were now completely wrapped by it, looking like a double-sushi-roll.

A relieved sigh escaped the male's mouth as he and Paimon came down the stairs and quickly to the others. "W- We didn't expected the storm to came t- that fast" he said while sitting in front of the flame to warm up his freezing self. Paimon was surprisingly silent to everyone's relief as she seemed like her mouth was frozen so that she couldn't open it. "We came back to Mondstadt again w-with a bit struggle and immediately headed here, since I was a bit worrying about ( Y/N )..." Aether said as the kid then placed down their bowl of spicy stew and ran over towards the traveler who seemed a bit surprised as the child suddenly hugged him.

"Huh? What's that for?" He asked, slightly patting the kid's back as they answered his question.
"I warm. You cold. I give you warm" They said as Barbara was tearing up at what ( Y/N ) was now able to say thanks to her teaching the kid. Even though this sentence wasn't exactly grammatically right. Aether chuckled slightly and took them on his arm properly as Albedo smiled at this as well and tossed ( Y/N )'s blanket over at him.

The blonde male also got some of the stew from Diona who sat right beside him and ate it in an instant as Paimon's limbs seemed to be warming up again as well before she was able to eat halt of the entire pot of spicy stew, what she slightly regretted after some time as her mouth felt like it was burning down now.

It was moments like these that Aether and the others as well, really cherished. ( Y/N ) was still sitting on his lap and seemed to be slightly tired already as the two were covered by the blanket — Kaeya was still hasn't given up on teasing Diluc as he talked to him the entire time while the red-head was just busy with holding the flame alive, not really listening — Barbara was summing a song as Rosaria sat besides her with her bowl of food in her hands, a bit annoyed by hearing the same song from the female besides her for the entire time but didn't said a word about
it — Sucrose and Klee still sleeping since they were tired from all the things happening that day and last but not least, Albedo explaining to Amber and Diona how he came along a huge spider that he ate and that tasted surprisingly good.

Amber was a bit creeped out but Diona thought about using it as a dish for the cats tail, or mixing it in drinks of the drunk people late at night to make it disgusting. Aether just chuckled as he was listening a bit and ate the rest bit of his food before placing the bowl down again. "( Y/N ) if you are tired, then you can rest now" The traveler said while noticing how the kid was trying to hold their eyes open as they tiredly looked up a bit before snuggling into his chest.

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