𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅 𝗂𝗌 𝗈𝗇 𝖥𝖨𝖱𝖤𝖤𝖤

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After multiple minutes of just walking around outside of the city, the child honestly got a bit bored. They saw so many things on the way that caught their interest, just that ( Y/N ) couldn't go after it since Lisa and Jean were holding the kids hand so that they didn't even had the chance to leave the path.

But other than ( Y/N ) — Pom Pom puri, the wolf pup of the child was just walking besides the camel and somehow seemed to have caught the same interests in literally anything from the kid.

And now — just as ( Y/N ) would like to do, the wolf fan off all of a sudden, causing Lisa and Jean to half in their tracks as well as they noticed the pup leaving their side.

"Huh? Pom Pom puri?"

Jean exclaimed, feeling weird to say the wolfs name so casually a bit before seeing where the pet ran towards — a Hillichurl camp.

It was just a small camp but enough to concern the two adults for the pups safety, knowing how important they were to the child as they didn't knew what the wolf would even do by an Hillichurl camp.

"I will bring the pup back"

Jean said, running after them as Lisa was a bit overwhelmed, not wanting to let Jean on her own to the Hillichurls since she didn't had her sword with her but couldn't bring the child with her to the camp so she crouched down in front of them before speaking up.

"Ok ( Y/N ) you need to stay here right now ok sweetie? We're right back so don't. Even. Try."

The female said, looking in the ( E/C ) eyes of the child who just nodded while still grinning, standing straight before Lisa stood up again, looking at the kid one last time before quickly going to help Jean.

And just as expected, it didn't took long for Lisa and also Jean to defeat the few monsters at the camp as they finally were able to get a hold of the pup who just wanted to play with the poor Hillichurls, now in the arms of the grandmaster who just sighed.

Just as the two females wanted to go to the kid — a huge explosion erupted from where ( Y/N ) stood, causing the librarian and blonde female to abruptly turn around before running back to the child.

"( Y/N )?!! ( Y/N ) are you—"

And there, just like nothing had happened, sat the kid while smiling at Jean who looked like her soul had left her body.

The grass nearby was now completely burned down due to the explosion as in front of ( Y/N ), the last bit of a down burned butterfly just turned to dust as it fell in the outstretched hands of the kid who just looked at it — not expecting the butterfly to burn down.

"Ah, right I forgot.... The pyro vision...."

Jean mumbled, looking at small ( Y/N ) while honestly just being happy that they were okay but also being shocked since the thought that even with a pyro vision, ( Y/N ) could never be able to properly use it almost right after they got it. And that was definitely not what would even cross her mind before.

The librarian just stood besides while sweat-dropping, not expecting this day to end with an huge explosion caused by a small kid that wanted to catch a butterfly.

"Well.. I guess that was enough fresh air for one day"

 I guess that was enough fresh air for one day"

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HELLO HELLO, I'm not dead HAHDHSHD sorry for the lack in updates T^T I'm not at home rn and don't have that much time to write but it should be better starting from next weak or even sooner.

Soo I hope you enjoyed this chapter UwU and yes the pyro vision finally got to be used 💃

Oh and a bit random here but I saw a challenge on TikTok to draw yourself and your main in Genshin impact and that was what I did lol

Oh and a bit random here but I saw a challenge on TikTok to draw yourself and your main in Genshin impact and that was what I did lol

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I tried a new art style as well :P

And damn I knew Xiao was short but that is a bit sad when I look at this... Well, can't help it.

Anywayssss, hope you had a wonderful day / night and see you hopefully soon <3333

~ Author

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