𝖨 𝗉𝖾𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝗒𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖿, 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖾𝗑𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖽𝗋𝗂𝗉

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Ehem ehem, Amber is wearing this in this chapter;

Ehem ehem, Amber is wearing this in this chapter;

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She is so cute, isn't she

It was an surprising bright and warm day for that the autumn was almost there and the color of the leafs slowly started to paint a slight orange and brown as some could hear the happy hums of Amber who war carrying ( Y/N ) on her shoulders who seemed to be just as happy and excited as every other day as well, enjoying how the female rather jumped forward than usually going like a normal human would do.

But who could blame her? Amber didn't got much time to spare with the child and rarely even saw them, what made this day even more special — if we just overlook the fact that they were searching the person who would maybe take the kid back.

But the hopes of the parents taking ( Y/N ) was most likely not what would happen. Ok, nobody really knew what actually happened before Aether found the child but Jean took the conclusion that they didn't wanted them and let them alone in the wild, not knowing if they would even survive it. And to be honest, no one really thought that someone would find the parents anyways.

So for Amber, this was more like going on a walk with ( Y/N ). While asking some people about two people who most likely nobody knew about anyways.

As the two finally reached Springvale, there were many people around — some hunters who were selling some of the meat, a few children who were running around the rather small village or were playing with animals and not to forget, the dude who sold his precious holy water.

"Hello there! My name is Amber and this is ( Y/N ), could I ask you something?"

The female greeted as she came straight to one of the hunters dames Olaf who seemed to be a bit irritated at first but then nodded at the question.

"Sure, what is it?"

And so Amber explained the most important things about what happened but the male just shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I don't know anything about that"

He said as Amber thanked him for taking the time to listen before going on to ask a few more people.

After some time, they still didn't had any new informations or even clues on where ( Y/N )'s parents might be.

"Well, cant help it. ( Y/N ) do you want to walk a bit further just for fun?"

The female asked as the kid happily nodded what caused Amber to slightly chuckle before she began to walk a bit further on the path leading in the woods while ( Y/N ) still sat on the brunette's shoulders.
The light of the bright sun shone through the leafs of the huge trees as the chirping of birds and the humming of Amber were heard along the wind that rushed through the bushes.

"Ahh It's really nice taking a break for a bit—"

But just as Amber finished her sentence, a loud noise was heard a bit further forward of them what what dragged Amber's and the kid's attention towards the place where it came from as the outrider ran forward, ( Y/N ) holding a bit tighter on Ambers head so they wouldn't fall to ground.

And there behind some bushes and trees, two familiar faces were seen with one person that little
( Y/N ) didn't knew.

"Razor! Klee!"

The child cheered even though the pronouncement of the two names was still a bit strange when ( Y/N ) said them. Besides the two was a boy who seemed to be around the age of Razor with blonde, shaggy hair as he wore his goggles on his head, his eyes a bright green.

"( Y/N )!!! So nice to see you again!!"

Klee exclaimed, letting the bomb in her hand Fall to the ground as razor was just able to catch it before it actually did and would explode while the girl dashed forward towards Amber with a bright grin"


"( Y/N )!!"


( Y/N )!!"


"Okay okay, enough now you two"

Amber laughed, letting the kid down on the ground.

"Oh, did you already met Bennett?? He's one of my biggest best friends in the world!"

Klee cheered, pointing at the stranger boy who brightly smiled at ( Y/N ) as well now.

"Nice to meet you!"


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Aaaaand here we have a new chapter :P

Would be shame if Bennett wouldn't be in this story

But however, I hope you enjoyed and have / had a great day! See you hopefully soon <3333

~ Author

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