𝖳𝗈 𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝖯𝗂𝗓𝗓𝖺 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖻𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗄𝖿𝖺𝗌𝗍

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The sun has just risen as Jean and Lisa — who still carried ( Y/N ), left the headquarters of the knights. The grandmaster looked around, not being able to go outside for so long now made her forget how beautiful the city outside of her office really was. Lisa just smiled to herself as she noticed that her friend did enjoyed it and went forward again as the kid on her arm slowly woke up from their slumber, tiredly looking around just to notice that they weren't inside anymore and instead out in the city what caused the child to brightly grin to themself.

"So, is there anything specific to do that you had in mind?"

Jean asked as they went down the stone stairs near the headquarters, looking to the side to notice that ( Y/N ) was awake now as well.

"Hm, no not really. Let's just walk around a bit and maybe eat something in the end"

The librarian answered — being as relaxed as always while the acting grandmaster was still thinking about her work and everything that needed to be done soon. There weren't many people who walked around the city that early in the morning so it was really quiet and relaxing as the chirping of birds were heard just like the sound of wind rushing through the nearby trees.

Deciding to let ( Y/N ) down, Lisa took their small hand as they now stood on the ground by themself, just looking at Jean as a sign to hold their other hand as well — what was exactly what the other female did as she held out her hand for ( Y/N ) to take, what they happily did.

Walking down the empty path as it was surprisingly warm already, the child jumped back and forth, always wanting to run somewhere else what was interesting for them just to be hold back by the two adults. And after a bit of walking around — ( Y/N ) just stopped on their spot, causing Lisa and Jean to halt as well.

"Huh? What is it cutie?"

Lisa asked as the kid just looked up at them with big eyes, confusing the librarian a bit as she crouched down besides ( Y/N ).

"Do you... want to go back?"

The kid shook their head.

"Are you tired"

And then again, they shook their head.

"Your hungry, right?"

Jean asked, smiling at the child who now happily nodded as Lisa looked at her friend dumbfounded, understanding much of what little ( Y/N ) wanted, but this? Never.

"Well... ok, then we should get something to eat"

The female said while standing up properly again.

"But good hunter is still closed. I think Sara just comes there in an hour or something"

"We could go to the cats tail"

Jean suggested as the other female seemed to be slightly surprised at this, looking at Jean while raising a eyebrow.

"Isn't that a tavern?"

"Indeed, it is, but they also sell pizza"

As that was said, ( Y/N ) eyes seemed to sparkle as they heard the word 'pizza' since they liked the dish even more than Jean did — who surprisingly really loved it. Lisa chuckled at this, nodding as a confirmation that they could go there before all three of them turned around and walked towards the cats tail that was right besides good hunter so that the child wouldn't starve.

 Lisa chuckled at this, nodding as a confirmation that they could go there before all three of them turned around and walked towards the cats tail that was right besides good hunter so that the child wouldn't starve

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Hello hello 💃

Here as promised, a early chapter UwU tbh I wanted to publish this way sooner but it took be surprisingly long to finish it, so it's already 2 PM BUT THATS STILL EARLY FOR ME 🏃‍♀️💨

Anywayssss I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm gonna collect more primos for Kazuha now 🙋‍♀️

Have a great day / night <333

~ Author-Chan

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