𝖠 𝗐𝗈𝗅𝖿 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖺 𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽

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Somehow, little ( Y/N ) had managed to mediate the wolf-boy that they came from the city of freedom that wasn't really that far from the forest where the two were recently at.

Walking besides the male, ( Y/N ) took a hold of Razor's hand as the wolf pup was walking slightly behind, the child seemed to be happy as always as suddenly, a familiar voice rang through their little ears.

"( Y/N )!!! There you are!!"

The kid heard the familiar bard almost yelling, running towards the two as he crouched besides the little child, cupping their face as Venti turned their little head from left to right, looking if they had any injuries as ( Y/N ) just giggled at this.

Now also noticing the presence of the other male, Venti stood straight up again, looking at the
silver-haired boy with a grin.

"Thank you for taking care of them"

The bard said, hands on his hips as Razor just slightly nodded at him. Venti knew who the silver-haired male was since, well, he was the Anemo Archon and basically knew the name of everyone living in his nation, even through he didn't really did much as an Archon.

Using his powers for the city and its citizen, making it a safe place for everyone so that they didn't had to fear the abyss monsters? Meh...

Using his powers to find a little problem-child that he grew way too attached to? Yes, definitely.

And that's exactly how the archon had found the kid, using his powers.

"You shouldn't run away like that, y'know?"

Venti exclaimed, lifting up the kid as he now held them in his arms, the child letting go of Razor's hand as they now slung around Venti's neck, the boy and little puppy just looking at the other two as the bard continued rambling something about not leaving just like that as ( Y/N ) still grinned at him, not really understanding what his intention was.

A sigh escaped the bards mouth as he then smiled again, looking at Razor as Venti had his one hand on his hip, the other one carrying the child.

"Thank you again. We will go now"

He said, wanting to turn around as the silver-haired boy nodded at this as goodbye, if it weren't for a certain child to interrupt the sudden farewell.

( Y/N ) took a hold on Razor's clothes with one hand,  having to lean forward to even reach them as Venti stopped in his tracks.

"Huh? What is it, ( Y/N )"

The bard asked as he curiously looked at the child in his arms as they released their grip onto the boys clothes again.

"Razor. Also come"

Was what they said as Venti was almost crying due to how proud he was. This was basically the longest sentence that the kid ever said in front of the bard, or even ever, as far as he knew.

Razor shook his head as he looked back to the kid again who watched him with their big eyes.

"Razor is not going to City. Razor belongs here"

He tried to explain, laying one hand on his chest again as he spoke, the little kid in Venti's arm slightly pouting at this as the bard just chuckled at their reaction.

"Pom Pom puri"

( Y/N ) said, pointing at the little wolf, trying to ask if the animal could at least come along with them as Razor looked down at the blue-eyed puppy again before slightly smiling an nodded to which the child happily grinned, Venti not being entirely sure how to react to this.

He just imagined Jean's reaction if he and ( Y/N ) would just come inside the headquarters of the Knights with... well, a wolf in tow.

Sheepishly chuckling, Venti looked down at the animal with a skeptical smile as he then averted is eyes towards the over-excited child in his arms again.

"You sure about that?"

He asked, hoping that the kid would change its mind but as we all know, there was no use in it anyway as
( Y/N ) frantically nodded their head, smiling from ear to ear as a sigh escaped the bards mouth again.

He just couldn't say no to little ( Y/N )...

"Ok ok we take it with us"

Venti said as he and the little kid had almost sparkles in their eyes... skrew that, the two kids how it seemed...


Bidding farewell with Razor, ( Y/N ) surely wanted to visit the wolf-boy again some day and it surely wasn't their last encounter this time, as Venti brought the child back towards Mondstadt, the wolf pup following behind as the three of them were about to enter the city.

The sun was barely visible anymore as a few stars could already be seen. ( Y/N ) yawned as they were quick to fall asleep on the bards shoulder who just smiled the whole time as a certain blue-haired male came around the corner, looking more relieved than ever as he saw the kid being fast asleep.

"So they were by you the whole time, bard"

Kaeya said, his voice rather quite as he didn't wanted to wake the child up, even through that was rather unlikely since the kid would literally sleep like a sloth every time, didn't waking up even through a meteorite would go down directly besides them


Venti just chuckled, sticking out his tongue as he quickly left the scene, bringing ( Y/N ) back to the headquarters of the Knights, leaving Kaeya in the dust... again... poor Kaeya.


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Thank you guys for over 400 reads <3

I honestly didn't really expected that since, well, the idea for this book just came random in my mind as I was eating cereals like already mentioned 😩✋

So what do we learn out of this? If you don't have any ideas for literally anything,

🧚‍♀️🌈✨ 𝐸𝑎𝑡 𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑠 ✨🌈🧚‍♀️

Yeah, ehe~ anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed reading and see you hopefully soon

~ Author-Chan

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