𝖲𝗍𝖾𝖿𝖿𝖾𝗇 𝖧𝖾𝗇𝗌𝗌𝗅𝖾𝗋: 𝖠𝖾𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇

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"Here we are!"

Paimon exclaimed as she slammed the door to the guest room inside of the winery open, grinning as she floated inside — followed by Aether who carried the puppy that tried to lick the travelers face all the time as the male hold the animal as far as possible away from him.


The pixie looked over at the bed as she saw the
red-head holding the kid close as he seemingly had fallen asleep just like the child themself. The loud noise hat Paimon made seemed to not wake one of them up as their eyes stayed closed. Pom Pom Puri then freed themself from Aether's grip as he jumped to the ground before up at the bed, laying close to
( Y/N ).

"Well... what are we doing now?"

The pixie asked, not knowing what they even could do now. ( Y/N ) could wake up any moment and free themself from the males embrace to go to who knows where and burn something down. Paimon could also just wake the red haired male up but decided against it, having the feeling that this wouldn't end well for her.

"Um... how about we use the kitchen and cook something?"

Paimon looked at the traveler for a moment before nodding, not knowing what else to do as Aether grabbed the pyro vision of ( Y/N ) so they couldn't burn things down if they would wake up soon, as the two went outside the room again, closing the door quietly this time as they walked down the stairs and towards the kitchen. It wasn't that big but there was space enough, so Paimon took out a book with different receipts for dishes and drinks as she scanned through the pages.

"Oh oh, Aether look! How about we make this?"

"Mondstadt's grilled fish...? Well that shouldn't be that hard"

Paimon nodded, continuing to look through the rather large book as the blonde raised an eyebrow at this as he was about to take out some fish.

"What are you doing?"

"Huh? The fish is only the starter"

"Oh... of course... why did I even asked?"

Sighing, Aether looked for the ingredients needed for grilled fish as Paimon searched for more dishes that they could made — meanwhile little ( Y/N ) lazily opened their eyes in the guest room. They looked around the room, noticing that they had fallen asleep even though they don't wanted to. They felt tired and worn-out — and they didn't liked it. You could say that they were mad at the cold they caught but were too tired to even show it much.

That was when ( Y/N ) noticed the wolf pup laying besides them, deep asleep like the male on the other side. The child stroking through the fur of the animal as they sneezed a few times before noticing the slightest smell of food in the air as this had awoken the curiosity in the kid. They silently climbed down the bed and went over towards the door, feeling a bit dizzy for a moment before they walked down the stairs towards where the smell came from as the kid soon reached the door of the kitchen.

Aether was near the wooden door that moment, cutting some vegetables as he heard someone sneezing from behind it. Knowing who it most likely was, the blonde opened the door, revealing ( Y/N ) as they looked at the male with a grin.

Aether sighed before picking them up and closing the door again, going over towards where he worked before.

"Do you wanna help us?"


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Ayee I'm so tired T^T
I get tired so early again... not good 🙅‍♀️

But guys can we please talk about Kazuha?!?! I swear I almost fainted as I saw him in the 1.6 trailer UwU

He is so handsome...

But anyways, I hope you had / have a great day and see you hopefully soon <333

~ Author-Chan

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