𝖳𝗐𝗈 𝖻𝗈𝗆𝖻𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝗈𝗇𝖾

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Little ( Y/N ) was sound asleep as they were laying on a little couch inside of one of the rooms at the headquarters of the Knights. Jean had brought them there after Venti came back with the child in his arms who was already asleep that moment.

It wasn't a wonder though since the kid did quite the exhausting trip that day and the sun had also already set.

The room where ( Y/N ) was in, was originally the one of a certain blond haired kid who liked to play around with bombs a little too much. Her name was Klee and she and the other child had already met a few times before — coming along super well as both of them were more adventurous than probably anyone of the adventure guild.

Also Klee's big brother Albedo wasn't unknown to little ( Y/N ) by now, even though they only met like one time as the blond-haired male was very busy with all his alchemy stuff.

But that was it with the people who the child knew till then — counting in most of the 'normal' citizen like the ones who would wander around the streets almost all day. But for the kid only being in the city for maybe two weeks, it was a whole bunch of people that they met so far.

As ( Y/N ) was in deep slumber, Pom Pom puri — the wolf pup that they met along with razor and then took with them, was laying on the floor beside the little couch, also asleep as Klee, the one who owned the room, wasn't there as she was with albedo at Dragonspine, supposed to come back to Mondstadt at the next morning but didn't staying long since Albedo was recently on a project there.

And with that, the sun was quick to rise again, shining bright through the glass of the windows as little ( Y/N ) awoke due to the brightness that shone on their little face.

Raising the head as they supported themself with one arm as they slightly went up with their upper body, rubbing their ( E/C ) eyes as their hair was messy.

It didn't took even a minute for a bright smile to be plastered across the child's face as they jumped from the couch to the floor since they were still pretty short.

Using a pair of clothes that Jean had already laid in the room as she did that every day before she would went to work. ( Y/N ) slept in different rooms almost every night and changed from Klee's room to sometimes Jean's room, and so on. Even though, the grandmaster came every morning to bring the kid fresh clothes to wear, no matter in which room they would stay that time.

Slipping them on, the child went over to the little wolf — patting its head as Pom Pom puri then also woke up due to the head-pads.

It was silent in the room as the little kid still didn't really talked. If they would, they would most likely be a person to talk to the wolf the whole time like it would give some answer someday ( couldn't be me, eHeM ), but this silence didn't lasted long as suddenly, the door to the room was almost kicked out of the doorframe as an excited blond-haired child with a big grin stood in the doorway.

"( Y/N )!!"

Klee exclaimed, excited to see the kid again as the two didn't saw each other for a few days due to Klee being with Albedo most of the time or ( Y/N ) being in the care of someone who wouldn't walk around the headquarter that much, like for example Diluc.


( Y/N ) said, even though it sounded more like 'glee' rather than 'Klee' but they couldn't care less about that as the girl in red then came running over and tackled the other child in her embrace, sending the two to the floor as giggles could be heard.

Klee sat up on her knees, ( Y/N ) also changed from their lying position on the floor to a sitting one, looking at the girl with huge eyes as they were excited for whatever the two could do that day.

Klee seemed like she wanted to say something but got interrupted as the two on the floor heard someone coming in the doorway as their heads turned to where the slight footsteps came from, and being met with none other than the ash-blond haired brother of Klee.

"Hello there"

Albedo said as he came into the room with an ever so slight smile on his face.

"Big brother!!"

Klee exclaimed as she hugged Albedo's leg as he wasn't able to move any further due to that.

"Can ( Y/N ) please come with us to Dragonspine?! We can play with white-fluffy yeti man!"

The girl asked excitedly as Albedo slightly
sweat-dropped, knowing that his sister meant a frost lawachurl and wasn't sure if it would be the best idea to take basically two klee's with him to that frosty place. One was really enough to handle.

And also, Dragonspine was a place where the monsters were pretty strong and he didn't wanted any of them to be in danger.

"I don't know about that... We should ask grandmaster Jean beforehand"

The blonde said as it didn't took another second for his sister to start hurrying towards Jeans office to ask as Albedo was pretty sure that she wouldn't allow it anyways since it would be way to dangerous.


The male heard the voice of the kid besides him that was still sitting on the floor, smiling brightly at the alchemist who crouched down to not tower over the child that much as ( Y/N ) excitedly pointed towards their hair.

Albedo was slightly confused until he understood what they meant.

"You want me to do your hair?"

( just ignore if you are bald ig :0 )

He asked as he received a nod from the kid.

They didn't did their hair — not even combing them till then since normally, Jean would do that after
( Y/N ) would went to her office at the morning.

The ash-blond haired male hesitated a little before letting out a little chuckle as he stood up straight again, grabbing the comb from the nearby table that it was placed on and sat behind the little child, mentioning them to set on his crossed legs as this was exactly what they did.

Using the comb to go through ( Y/N )'s ( H/C ) hair, the male was extra carefully to not do it to harsh as he did the hairstyle that he saw them wearing as they once met ( if you don't have any specific hairstyle, ignore this ).

As the alchemist was done, ( Y/N ) stood up and headed towards a nearby mirror, admiring their look as Albedo stood up again — the door to the room suddenly almost being kicked out of the doorframe again as Klee stood there with a happy expression on her face.

"Jean said it would be ok!"

"Jean said it would be ok!"

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This chapter is a little longer than usual ig since I didn't uploaded yesterday :0

I'm going to write a one shot now and it's going to be a Kazuha one since I really really like him just from the leaks I saw. I don't know if it's going to work out that properly since I don't know anything about his personality but I think he has quite a similar one to Albedo?? Idk why, he just give me that vibe xD

but anyways, I hope you enjoyed and see you hopefully soon <3

~ Author-Chan

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