𝖲𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗒𝗎𝗆𝗆𝗒 𝗂𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗍𝗎𝗆𝗆𝗒

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"( Y/N ), don't you think you already ate enough...?"

Jean asked while sweat-dropping as she looked at the child who had half of their 6th pizza in their mouth as ( Y/N ) just stared back at the female with big eyes, chewing on the rest bit of the dish before even that pizza was eaten up by the kid.

"Here we go!"

The voice of Diona rang through their ears as the small female came out of the building with two plates of even more pizzas on it as she just grinned at the grandmaster and librarian who questioned themselves if they had enough mora to pay for all the food that little ( Y/N ) was able to eat.

Smiling, the child stared at the new food that was served before eating the last bit of it as well while Jean pulled out her wallet before pulling all of her mora out and laid it on the table as Diona happily counted the money.

"Hm, that should be enough! Unless ( Y/N ) want another—"


Jean and Lisa said in unison as the tiny pink haired female just chuckled.

"Come back soon! Oh and ( Y/N ), next time you come the next pizza is free for you hehe"

Diona said before shortly waving at the three and walking back inside the cats tail. The grandmaster still stared at ( Y/N ) who didn't even showed a hint of being full of all the food they ate just now as Lisa couldn't help but laugh at Jeans facial expression while the kid just stared back while grinning.

"Now now, the day is still young, we should go and enjoy the bit time we have where Jean isn't working like usual, should we?"

"I— I guess your right"

The blonde female said while standing up before she picked the child up on her arm as Lisa stood up as well, going side to side with Jean away from the bar towards who knows where their way would lead them to.

"Hm~ do you want to go outside the city for a bit?"

The librarian asked while smiling as Jean just slightly nodded, still not really being sure if it really was ok to be out there and not doing the work she was tasked to in her office. But still, she enjoyed the free time especially since she usually needed someone else to take care of ( Y/N ) because of her work and now she herself could do something else with them than just sitting there inside a small room in silence.

"Then let's go~"

Lisa cheered as the child on the blondes arm seemed to be even more excited than than the librarian what caused Jean to slightly laugh before the three went to go outside the city.

Lisa cheered as the child on the blondes arm seemed to be even more excited than than the librarian what caused Jean to slightly laugh before the three went to go outside the city

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Ahhh sorry this chapter is so short and uninteresting
but I was crying while writing half of it and am now tired of it HAHA

Personal problems, nothing important so whateverrrr, I hope you still enjoyed and see you hopefully soon <333

~ Author

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