𝖣𝗈 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝗌𝖾𝖾 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅 𝗌𝗉𝖾𝖾𝖽

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( I don't have school this week so I will post most likely more till next week but I'm not entirely sure )

Entering the Tavern with little ( Y/N ) still hanging on his neck, Kaeya went over to the counter where the red-head Dliuc was already standing — cleaning some glasses since it was his job.

The blue-haired male just turned his back towards Diluc, not saying a single word as the red-head then saw the little child hanging there.

"( Y/N )? What are you doing here?"

He asked — even through he knew that the kid couldn't really answer themself. Placing the glass down, the male reached out for the young kid, getting them away from Kaeya's back as he now hold ( Y/N ) under their two little arms, not really knowing how to carry a child.

"They were bored and wanted to come"

Kaeya said, smiling at the kid that now seemed even more happy.

Diluc placed the child at the counter but wasn't that successful as ( Y/N ) immediately gripped on his arm and being a sloth like every time as they slung their arms around the males upper arm, smiling brightly.

"( Y/N ) I can't work like this"

The male exclaimed, trying to somehow bring the kid to loosed their grip, but ( Y/N ) only tightened it as Kaeya just laughed at his brother who send him a glare.

Suddenly letting go of Diluc's arm, ( Y/N ) seemed to have found something other that was to their interest as they were now standing on top of the counter, making grabbing hands as a sign for Kaeya to take them down as he immediately understood what they meant, reaching his arm out to hold the kid and placing them onto the wooden floor.

What seemed to be the cause of the sudden interest from ( Y/N ) was six-fingered Jose, the bard that was always standing right besides the entrance — playing on his Lyre as little ( Y/N ) just stood in front, admiring whatever song was played.

Turning around from looking at ( Y/N ) to Diluc, Kaeya had still his significant smile plastered on his face as the red-head raised an eyebrow at him.

"A glass dandelion wine would be nice right now, wouldn't it?"

As expected — Kaeya wanted alcohol.

Diluc didn't looked that impressed as he had a glass to clean in his hand again, stopping his doings for a brief moment after he heard his brother speak.

"I would eventually give you some if it weren't for you babysitting right now"

"Oi, I'm a good babysitter for ( Y/N )"

"Are you... sure about that...?"

Diluc's question confused the blue-haired male slightly as he looked at where his brothers gaze was looking at, seeing that where the bard was still standing — there was no sight of little ( Y/N ).

Looking around the whole tavern, they were nowhere to be seen as Kaeya slightly sweat-dropped, Diluc just standing there dumbfounded as the two didn't moved for a few seconds.

"Go and look for them!"

The red-head exclaimed as his brother hastily stood up, speed-walking out of the tavern as he begun searching for the little kid.

Meanwhile, little ( Y/N ) was sitting on the lap of Venti — the Anemo archon who was sitting on the hands of his own statue in Mondstadt, playing a melody on his Lyre as the kid on his lap was now fast asleep, snuggling close to the bard who just slightly chuckled at this.

Meanwhile, little ( Y/N ) was sitting on the lap of Venti — the Anemo archon who was sitting on the hands of his own statue in Mondstadt, playing a melody on his Lyre as the kid on his lap was now fast asleep, snuggling close to the bard who just ...

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Ok that's the first time that I wrote such a short chapter lol

I was just bored so I posted a chapter — I have a lot time this week so it could be that there are going to be a few more chapters then planned.

From next week on, I will post every third day like already said I guess.

And don't ask me how little ( Y/N ) came up the statue so fast 🙊 it's a mystery

I hope you enjoyed and see you hopefully soon

~ Author-Chan

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