𝖧𝗈𝗐 𝗍𝗈 𝖼𝖺𝗍𝖼𝗁 𝖺 𝖼𝗈𝗅𝖽 - 𝖻𝗒 ( 𝖸/𝖭 )

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"( Y/N ) are you ok?"

Aether asked the kid on his shoulders as they sneezed already a few times, their nose slightly red as Paimon didn't even noticed it, her mind being in a complete different world as she imagined all the things that the child would be able to do with a vision now. It was a terrible thought. But to be honest, Paimon slightly overreacted as she feared ( Y/N ) burning town whole Mondstadt and its people so the Abyss order was basically superfluous.

As to Aether's question, the kid had just happily nodded as they grinned, watching as the red roof of the dawn winery came into their view, making them just even more excited.

As the three then neared the building, the pixie besides muttered some words that sounded like
'I don't want to die yet' as ( Y/N ) wasn't sure why she was acting so strange as they decided to just don't mind Paimon much till they had reached the door of the winery, Aether opening it as they went inside, being met with all the fancy looking Furnitures and decorations around. In front of a long table stood the red-head that the three wanted to see in the first place, holding a few papers as he scanned through the lines.

Diluc looked up as he heard the door being opened, seeing the traveler, his companion and little ( Y/N ) who still sneezed at some points as they looked kinda tired what was pretty unusual for the child.

"Good Morning, Diluc"

The blonde greeted as said male nodded in return as he handed over the papers he had in his hands.

"You came here for the commission, right? There should be everything written down here"

Diluc said as Aether was now the one scanning through the pieces of paper before looking up at the red-head again as he nodded, folding the paper to put it in his pocket as he let ( Y/N ) down to the ground before standing straight again.

"You can take care of ( Y/N ) till we will return, right? It wouldn't take long"


Diluc replied, looking down on the kid that tagged on his clothes, grinning up at him as the male smiled back the slightest bit before taking them on his own arms now, Aether wanting to leave till he remembered something.

"Oh and... I think this could be interesting for you"

The blonde said, grabbing the pyro vision from Paimon's little hands as she still seemed to be not herself, Aether sweat-dropping as he couldn't understand why Paimon made that much of a drama out of this whole thing as he handed the red orb over to the other male whose eyes slightly widened.

"A pyro vision? What does that..."

"Seems like ( Y/N ) had got one"

The traveler said before turning around and dragging Paimon behind to finish that request as quick as possible as Diluc stood there dumbfounded, the kid in his arms playing with his hair as the male looked at the vision and back at ( Y/N ) who just grinned at him.

"Well... that indeed, is interesting"


The blonde traveler had just finished the task he was given, to get rid of some Cryo slimes near the river as Paimon seemed to be back to reality again, the two going back towards the winery as Aether put his sword back in place.

As they reached the building, Paimon was the one to open the door now to reveal almost the exact same view as before, just with the difference that Diluc and ( Y/N ) weren't seen now.

"Huh? Where are they?"

Paimon asked, looking around the room to see that the two weren't there.

"Maybe their on the second floor"

The traveler said, going towards the wooden stairs as Paimon followed behind, both now going to the upper floor where they honestly never went before. There were many doors as Aether knocked on every single one — getting no answer till he reached the last one, knocking on it as he finally received one.

"Come in"

He heard Diluc's voice rang through the room as it was rather silent — the blonde traveler opening the door quietly as he saw that this was most likely a guest room as he saw ( Y/N ) laying in the bed that filled most of the place, being fast asleep as Dliuc sat besides them, leaning against the wall as his arms were crossed, his eyes closed for a moment before he looked up to see Aether and Paimon who were seemingly pretty confused about what exactly was going on.

"You know that their sick, right?"

The red-head asked, raising an eyebrow as Aether remembered again that they were in the snow the day before, one time even wandering through the snow without shoes as he wondered if Jean knew about that. To be honest, she knew it — but forgot about it as she saw ( Y/N ) being so lively the next morning again as she had many different things in her head that she needed to remember.

Paimon sheepishly chuckled as she rubbed the back of her head, Aether just averting his eyes somewhere else as Diluc let out a sigh.

"Don't worry about it. They can stay till they are healthy again. It's not good to travel when your sick"

 It's not good to travel when your sick"

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Just wanted to inform you guys that the update days are going to be every fourth day from now on since I couldn't resist and started a new book again :,D

But don't worry, it's the last one till I will finish some other story of mine so yeahhh.

So hope you enjoyed and had / have a good day! See you hopefully soon <33

~ Author-Chan

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