𝖢𝖺𝗍𝖼𝗁 𝗆𝖾 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝖺𝗇, 𝗅𝗈𝗌𝖾𝗋

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Days passed while ( Y/N ) stayed at the winery of Diluc with Aether and Paimon, recovering from their sickness pretty well as they seemed as healthy as before after several nights that were spendet there.
Surprisingly, also Diluc had stayed at the winery the whole time and didn't went towards Mondstadt to his tavern, so he could have an eye on the little kid, so something would happen.

"Ah, thank you so much for letting us stay that long! But we should go back to Mondstadt now that little ( Y/N ) is healthy again!"

Paimon exclaimed meanwhile Aether was trying to catch the child that was running through the whole building for fun.

"Yes, I guess you're right"

Diluc said while he and Paimon ignored the other two running laps in there, not wanting to help the traveler to catch the kid since this was obviously too much nerve wracking. So poor Aether had to take care of that task alone.

"Aether hurry up, we have to go now"

The emergency food said, hands on her hips as she looked at the male like he was just dawdle around as he now stopped in his tracks to glare at Paimon, silently judging her.

"O- Ok Ok, I help you but stop glaring at me like that"


After what seemed like decades, they finally succeeded in catching the kid and said their goodbyes to Diluc before leaving the winery again with the wolf pup of ( Y/N ) walking alongside them.

"I think Jean is going to be happy to see ( Y/N ) again!"

"Guess that's true"

Aether said — slightly chuckling while the child happily sat on his shoulders again, being as lively as ever after fully recovering. The three of them then walked back towards the city in a comfortable silence while ( Y/N ) just looked around, admiring the birds and butterfly's that floated around.

Reaching Mondstadt, they walked towards the headquarters of the knights while greeting the people that walked down the street, being happy to be back again — same as ( Y/N ).

Even though it was a nice time at the winery — other than the fact that the kid was sick, but it was still a good feeling to be home again.

Aether opened the door of the headquarters, entering with ( Y/N ) and was closely followed by Paimon before going over towards the entrance of the grandmaster's office as the traveler knocked on red wooden door.

"Come in"

The usual answer of Jean was heard from inside the room as Paimon was now red one opening the door and entered immediately after — seeing Jean looking up from a whole bunch of paper work as she noticed who had entered right now.

"( Y/N ), Aether, Paimon. It's great to see you all are safe. How is ( Y/N ) doing?"

Jean asked, standing up from her seat as she smiled at the male and the kid on his shoulders who also seemed to be very excited to see her again.

"Their doing pretty well. Just as before..."

Aether said, letting the child down again who immediately went over to hug the grandmaster — or rather her legs since they were way too small to hug Jean properly, who only chuckled at this before picking them up herself.

"It's nice to see you as well, ( Y/N )"

"It's nice to see you as well, ( Y/N )"

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Hello hello 🕺

Here I am again with a pretty short chapter to just come into the plot again and such :P and I'm pretty tired as well so this was perfect 👏

But anyways, I'm happy to write again because I slightly missed it to be honest lol

Well, hope you enjoyed this chapter and had/ have a good day! See you hopefully soon <333

~ Author-Chan

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