𝖯𝗈𝗆𝖯𝗈𝗆𝖯𝗎𝗋𝗂 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝗈𝗅𝖿 𝖻𝗈𝗒

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Venti sat in the grass, playing on his Lyre as his two braids danced in the wind. He and the little kid were sitting there for a while now as the sun began to set already, a sign for the bard to bring little ( Y/N ) back to Mondstadt before the night would begin.

"( Y/N ) we should-"

The male began, turning his head to where the kid sat.


But to his dismay, ( Y/N ) wasn't there. They ran away, again.



The adventurous attitude of the child grew the better side of them as ( Y/N ) saw the nearby forest, too curious about what was inside than to just stay there with Venti.

trying to climb over a tree that fell to the ground, it felt like a mountain for the kid as they pulled themself up, now perking up to look at the other side that was covered from the huge tree on the ground before.

( Y/N ) let out a short happy laugh as they saw the path in front, bushes with different kinds of berry's were placed at the sides, surrounded by big trees as fireflies were floating around as two little foxes were playing on the side of the path.

( ok this scene is basically the same as in one of my other books... eh, doesn't matter :3 )

Jumping off of the fallen tree, the child walked forward, admiring the scene in front of them with a big grin plastered on their face.

Suddenly, something came rushed out of one of the bushes, landing directly in front of the kid who looked at whatever came out from the side as their
( E/C ) eyes met little light-blue ones of a wolf pup.

The two just stared at each other — the wolf being the slightest bit smaller than the human child as
( Y/N ) happily jumped up and down, clapping their hand together as the animal didn't seemed to be much irritated by the loud noise at it just looked at little ( Y/N ), pricking up its ears.

The child loved animals more than almost everything else, reaching out their little hands as they patted the young wolfs head who seemed to also enjoy the head pats.

Kneeling down besides the animal, the human kid seemed like sparkles surrounded her face as they watched the almost black pup with big eyes.

Hearing more rustle from besides, ( Y/N ) turned their head to see if there were possibly even more baby wolfs, but was instead met with a person with long silver hair, red eyes and a scar on his one cheek.

Every other child would probably start to scream and run away due to a complete stranger coming out of the forest with almost glowing red eyes and a big scar in their face. But as we all know little ( Y/N ), the kid grinned at the stranger as they looked up, not stopping to pat the wolf as the male looked down at the two in silence before he spoke up.

"Who are... you?"

He said, sounding like he didn't used words that much, slightly struggling on speaking as the kid seemed to think for a moment. Not because they forgot their name, but because they never said it before. All words that they really could, or wanted to say, were names like 'Diluc', 'Kaeya' etc. but since there was always another person to introduce the little child, there was no need for them to tell their name themself.

"( Y- Y/N )"

They said, struggling to pronounce the name properly as the boy besides just crouched down, looking at the kid as he tilted his head to the side.

"Why you here?"

And here we had two people, struggling to speak as they couldn't possibly communicate properly, even tho, trying their best.

The child just looked at the little wolf besides them and back towards the stranger who seemed to slightly understand that the kid was there because of the wolf or such, before he seemed to remember something.

"Eh- I'm razor"

He introduced as he remembered that the child introduced themself but didn't knew his same till then.

( Y/N ) grinned again, looking back at the puppy as they continued petting their head, not minding the companion of the boy besides.


They then asked, pointing at the wolf as they asked if the animal had a name. Sure, ( Y/N ) didn't exactly knew if the male even knew the pup, but was pretty sure since it seemed like he came directly after the little wolf.

Razor shook his head no as he looked at the
blue-eyed animal, ( Y/N ) seemed to think pretty hard as they put a finger on their chin, shutting their eyes close as they thought before looking up again with a wide grin displayed on their face again.

"Pom Pom puri"

The kid excitedly said as they gave the wolf a name, not really knowing how to spell anything right as they chooses the first thing that came into their mind.

And as we see, ( Y/N )'s mind wasn't that ordinary.

Razor looked at the kid for a moment before he slightly smiled, looking back at the puppy again as he nodded, basically showing the kid that he agreed with that choice of name.

It was almost kinda normal by now that little ( Y/ N ) was somewhere, enjoying whatever they did as other people were searching for them, worried about the little kids safety as now, Kaeya and Venti were despairing, not having a clue where the kid went.

( Y/N ) was indeed a child that wasn't easy to handle. But to be honest, Mondstadt would be a lot more boring without them.

 But to be honest, Mondstadt would be a lot more boring without them

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I was supposed to update tomorrow but switched that with my one-shot book since I felt like writing on this story today.

It's not the best chapter to be honest, but Razor also needed some screen-time ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

And ok I know wattpad has nothing to do with it, but maybe one or two of you are following me on TikTok, idk, but I just reached the 1M likes a few days ago and was super exited because of that lol

But Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading and see you hopefully soon 🤍

~ Author-Chan

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