𝖦𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗀𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗉

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As Amber and little ( Y/N ) came across Klee, Razor and Bennett — who they just met, the small child grinned brightly once again, loving to meet new people as they almost fell down from the females shoulders before Amber put the kid down again while the blonde adventure crouched down to be almost at the same height as ( Y/N ) themself.

"Woa, I heard a lot about you! I'm honored to meet you in person!!"

Bennett exclaimed as ( Y/N ) just smiled even more, just understanding that the males really liked them before they suddenly raised both their arms in the air, looking really excited.

"Boom Boom Bennett!"

And there all of a sudden, a small explosion erupted from where the two were, causing the other three around to jump back in surprise as just Klee seemed to be more than impressed.


She exclaimed while ( Y/N ) still stood in front of the blonde with a wide smile — just that their face was now covered in dust and smoke, same as Bennett's skin but it seemed like neither of them cared as they both just started laughing.

Well, at least ( Y/N )'s introduction while meeting new people wasn't boring and instead just a bit deathly.

No risk no fun baby.

"( Y/N )"

Razor then said, coming closer now as well as he slightly smiled at the kid, noticing the pyro vision that was now finally attached to their clothes as well as he seemed a bit impressed, looking back and forth between Klee and ( Y/N ) — even he knew that this combo could bring no good. But he just shook off the thought as the male sat besides Bennett and the child before speaking up again.

"Where Pom Pom puri?"

He asked, still not 100% used to all the vocabularies that much as Amber took her turn to answer that question.

"Oh, that's ( Y/N )'s wolf pup, Right? They stayed back at Mondstadt for now! But don't worry, they are in good hands!!"

She exclaimed, thinking about how Jean said it would be better for Pom Pom Puri to say in Mondstadt for the time that they would look around springvale and nearby places for a bit — but to be honest, Amber knew exactly that the grandmaster also grew a bit attached to the wolf by now.
But who could blame her?

"Ah, ( Y/N ), miss Amber, what do you guys do here in springvale by the way??"

Klee then curiously asked, sitting on the lap of razor who also looked up at the outrider with curiosity while the kid was just clomping up Bennett's back.

"We're here to search for someone who might know about where ( Y/N ) comes from"

"Ohh why??"

The girl proceeded as Amber slightly sweat-dropped, not really liking the idea of telling Klee and the others that the child might have to leave Mondstadt.

"Well, uhh... we're just curious if they have a family here... I mean, you would like to know your parents as well if you didn't saw them for a long long time at this age, wouldn't you? I mean, you would definitely want to be by them—"

But Klee seemed to be a bit smarter than the female had though as she gasped, Razor being jus as confused as ever at the reaction of the small girl.

"Y-You want ( Y/N ) to leave Mondstadt?! NOOOO Klee does not allow that!!"

The blond girl exclaimed, seemingly not happy about what she heard there as now the grey haired male seemed to understand, gasping before he shook his head.

"No, ( Y/N ) not going. ( Y/N ) staying here"

"We are their family now! A-and otherwise mama will adopt them!! Albedo will surely be happy about that as well!! B-But don't have them away"

Klee begged, small, salty tears started to form in her big eyes as she threw herself on ( Y/N ) who was now dragged to the ground from Bennett's back as the two weren't really paying attention to the conversation.

Amber was a bit overwhelmed with the situation as she hadn't a clue on what she was supposed to do now so that Klee would come down again.

"Oh men..."


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Ahh finally got to write this chapter as well HAHA well, I need to go to sleep now 🙋‍♀️

So I hope you enjoyed and had / have a great day! See you hopefully soon <333

~ Author

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