𝖦𝗋𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗆𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖩𝖾𝖺𝗇 ʰᵉʰᵉ

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„Grandmaster Jean! We brought ( Y/N ) back!"

Paimon said as she came through the doorway of the office of the grandmaster — closely followed by Aether who now carried the sleeping child. Jean looked up from the papers that she had read as she softly smiled at the sight of the kid being sound asleep.

"Ah, thank you for bringing them here, traveler. If I may ask, where are Albedo and Klee?"

"Oh, the two are still in Dragonspine! We came across the camp and they asked if we could bring ( Y/N ) back to Mondstadt again"

Paimon explained as the blond-haired traveler nodded along, looking at the grandmaster who also gave a small nod at this.

"You can just lay them on the couch"

Jean said as she pointed at the couch that was placed inside of the office like a week ago due to ( Y/N ) being with the blond-haired female often at evenings as she would still have work to do in the office — so the child had a place to rest the time they would have to wait.

Aether stepped towards the couch as he kneeled down besides, laying the kid down as he pulled a thin blanked that was folded besides, and placed it on the child so they wouldn't get cold as Aether then stroked through their ( H/C ) hair a little with a slight smile on his face before he stood up again, turning to the acting grandmaster.

"We will visit the dawn winery tomorrow. If ( Y/N ) wants to come along, could me might take them with us?"

The traveler asked as he looked at Jean who seemed to be in thoughts for a moment before she smiled again, now also looking at Aether again.

"If it isn't causing any trouble for you then you might go ahead. Just be careful. And thank you again for taking them back here"

"No problem! It's funny to be around ( Y/N ) anyways!"

Paimon exclaimed as she grinned at the grandmaster before the pixie seemed to remember something.

"Oh and Jean? Um, Paimon had wondered if there are any new hints on who ( Y/N )'s parents are? Or where they came from?"

She asked, her grin fading as Paimon now looked rather curious. Jean sighed as she leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes for a brief moment.

"No, sadly not... but if I think about the whole situation, I can imagine their parents not being able to handle their energetic character and, well... just thought the easiest way of getting rid of that is to just abandon them..."

The blonde said as she looked at the sleeping kid with pitiful look as Paimon let out a little 'oh...'

"But we shouldn't worry about it that much. They are here now and safe — that's what matters.
( Y/N ) seems to be happy and so should we"

Jean exclaimed as a tiny smile was shown on her face again, Aether nodding at her words as he continued to look down at the child, Paimon's grin widening again also as the pixie clapped her little hands.

"Your Right! No need to be so down about that! Come Aether, let's go, we need to get some rest for tomorrow as well!"

The emergency food excitedly said as she dragged the traveler towards the doorway again who slightly sweat-dropped because of Paimon's change in mood every third second.

"Um... we will pick ( Y/N ) up tomorrow morning of they want to come along"

The male said before Paimon had pulled him out of the office completely, leaving a chuckling Jean and the sleeping kid on the couch behind as Aether had quickly closed the door behind them, letting silence fill the room, only the noise of a pencil on paper could be heard as Jean began to sign a few documents, letting ( Y/N ) sleep till the grandmaster would take them to her room again to also get some rest herself.

The male said before Paimon had pulled him out of the office completely, leaving a chuckling Jean and the sleeping kid on the couch behind as Aether had quickly closed the door behind them, letting silence fill the room, only the noise of a pencil...

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If you have any Genshin fanfic recommendations, pls tell me :,) I hadn't that much time to read fanfics myself since I began writing and now I want to catch up on that again! Oh and maybe if you wrote your own book, I would like to read them :3

✨thank you✨

Yeahh, anywayyy, I hope you enjoyed and had / have a great day! See you hopefully soon <33

~ Author-Chan

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