𝖣𝗈𝗇'𝗍 𝖼𝗋𝗒, 𝗋𝗂𝖽𝖾 𝖺 𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗌𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖿𝗅𝗒

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( you can start the music at the point where I set a
* if you even want to play it lol )

Somehow Amber managed to calm Klee down as she succeeded in changing the subject and promised the girl some sweets as soon as they would all get back to Mondstadt. The two kids fell asleep after some time and were leaning against Razor who was asleep as well. Bennett was sitting besides as he did literally nothing and Amber just looked at the scene for a moment before she smiled at them all. "Kinda cute"
She mumbled before sitting besides Bennett to lean against a nearby tree before the female closed her eyes as well. Maybe it wasn't that bad of an idea to take a break after all.

Who knows how much time went by as the five of them just sat there, either sleeping or just enjoying the sound of the nature and the warmth of the sun that would probably shine so bright now the last time for this year. The red and brown leafs of the trees continued to fall down on the ground or were pulled off of the branches by the slight wind rushing through them. It surely was a beautiful sight.

As the sun began to set, Amber suddenly stood up again and stretched a bit before walking over towards ( Y/N ) and tapped them on the head so that the child woke up, seemingly still a bit tired as they yawned and looked up at a smiling Amber.

"I think it's time to go home for today" she said as Klee and Razor slowly woke up as well. Little ( Y/N ) looked a bit around at first before nodding with a smile on their face, happy about that they will be able to see Jena and Pom Pom puri again as soon as they would come back to Mondstadt.

It took a while till Klee also agreed to go back to Mondstadt but Amber thought that it would be best if Bennett and Klee would come along as well since it surely wouldn't take that long anymore till it would be dark outside. In the end, the four bit their farewell to razor, who would stay in the woods like always as they then walked back towards Mondstadt, ( Y/N ) sitting on Bennett's shoulders as the other kid was walking hand on hand with Amber.

"Are you cold, ( Y/N )?" The blond haired male asked, looking a bit up as he noticed the wind picking up again, letting the temperature drop slightly. "Nooo" the child stated happily, swinging their legs back and forth.

After some more time had passed, they reached the city and separated ways as it was now the Brunette who needed to carry the kid on her shoulders, a smile seen on both of their faces. Even though they just were tasked to search for some certain people, the day went on slightly different with them just relaxing with some friends. Maybe Jean would be a bit mad at Amber because of this but the female didn't cared since she enjoyed spending some time like this with ( Y/N ) and the others very much.

However, when the two of them reached the headquarters, the smile on both of their faces vanished as Amber walked into Jean's office, seeing her sit on her office chair while her expression seemed really unpleasant. There was a mix of uneasiness and even sadness shown in her eyes as she looked at the outrider and ( Y/N ) entering the room.

What Amber noticed as well, was a woman sitting on the couch nearby as well. She had short, hazel hair with some bangs and brown-greenish eyes, rather sharp eyes and pretty pale skin. She slightly smiled as she noticed the two walking in as well, standing up to introduce herself. "Hello, you must be Amber, right? And this seems to be ( Y/N ). My name is Tomke, nice to meet you" she greeted, her voice surprisingly gentle as she reached out her hand for the other female to shake as that what exactly what she did.

"Ah, Nice to meet you as well, Tomke" she said, smiling at the hazel haired woman who returned the gesture before the two turning towards Jean who stood up as well. "Amber, I think there is no need for you to ask the people outside of Mondstadt about
( Y/N )'s parents" the blonde smiled at her but there was clearly a bit of sadness in it. "Huh? What do you mean?"

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